Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
Each time you move the camera or the subject,
even a tiny bit, you need to adjust the focus, mak-
ing sure that the critical element in your image is
in proper focus. For Figure 9-10, I made sure that
the focus was really on the top part of the peacock
feather and checked the focus between each light
painting attempt because even moving the flash-
light close caused a small breeze that could have
moved the feather and made for a blurry image.

  1. With the lights on or with a flashlight, use
    the camera’s auto focus aimed on the sub-
    ject that you want to have in focus.

  2. Switch to manual focus either on the lens
    or the camera body depending on your cam-
    era and lens, and don’t touch the focusing
    ring on the lens. Check your camera manual
    to find out how to do this.

As long as the camera and the subject remain in
the same positions, you now have a properly
focused image.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO This peacock feather was placed against a black background and was painted with a small led flashlight. Taken at
12 seconds, f/16, and ISO 200.

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