Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1

  1. Check the exposure and focus. Make any
    necessary adjustments, and then do it again.
    This is one technique where you really can’t go
    wrong. You might really like some of the simple
    designs or you might want to try some more com-
    plex ones. Here are some techniques you can try
    to create different patterns and effects:
    ■ Change the color using a gel. This is the
    easiest effect to apply — just hold a piece
    of colored gel over the lens for all or part
    of the exposure. The white trails will turn
    whatever color the gel is, creating more

  2. Without touching the lens or changing the
    focus, switch the camera or lens to manual
    focus mode.

  3. Set the camera exposure mode to manual.
    Start with these settings: 30 seconds, f/10,
    and ISO 100. If your camera has a Bulb mode
    and a shutter release that locks, then you can
    go for much longer. I have made many physi-
    ograms that range from 60 to 90 seconds.

  4. Start the flashlight swinging in a circular
    motion (or any motion) and press the
    shutter release button.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO The light from the flashlight creates a pattern as it swings. The pattern is determined by the speed of the flashlight and
the arc it is swinging. Taken at 61 seconds, f/10, and ISO 100.

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