Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
    ■   Saturation. This adjusts the overall saturation
in your image from –100, which removes all
color, all the way to +100, which doubles the
saturation. This is one slider where a little
really goes a long way.
When adjusting my images, I usually start on the
top of the panel and work my way down. But here
is the great part of Lightroom: All the adjust-
ments are nondestructive, so you can go in and
adjust these settings in any order you want, and
the image isn’t changed until you export the file.
Even then, it is the exported file that is adjusted,
not the original.

■   Brightness. This setting adjusts the brightness

of the midtones in your image.

■   Contrast. This increases or decreases the

overall image contrast.

■   Clarity. This increases the contrast at the

edges of the subjects. When using this slider,
zoom in so that you see the 100 percent pre-
view of the image, and then move the slider
to the right. If you start to see halos appear at
the edges, you will want to move the slider
back to the left.

■   Vibrance. This adjusts the saturation of the

colors that have low saturation to start with.
It doesn’t adjust the colors with high satura-
tion in your image, and it avoids pushing the
skin tones too much.

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