Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1



A or Av (aperture priority mode)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 33, 34, 264
for fairs, 120
HDR photos using, 39
for indoor shots, of people, 82
for landscapes, 219–220
abstract images, creating with light painting, 209–212
accessories. See equipment
accessory shoe, 58, 266
camera and lenses for, 11–12
at concerts, 16, 109–110
described, 6–7, 27
at sporting events, 16, 133–136
for street scenes, 175
at weddings, 98
showing movement of. See also light painting; light
trails; panning
for concerts, 110
of night sky, 17
shutter priority mode for, 34
shutter speed for, 27–28
for street scenes, 175
for weddings, 104, 105
shutter speed priority mode for, 32, 34
Adobe Bridge, 208
Adobe Photoshop
combining multiple exposures, 38, 39, 208
described, 15, 234
Adobe Photoshop Elements
color and lighting adjustments, 252–257
combining multiple exposures, 38, 39, 208
described, 15, 234
noise reduction, 238–241
white balance adjustments, 246–249
Adobe Photoshop Extended, 162, 207, 234
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
color and lighting adjustments, 258–260
combining multiple exposures, 208
described, 15, 234
noise reduction, 241–243
white balance adjustments, 249–252
Adobe RGB color space, 264
aluminum, for tripod legs, 62
ambient (available) light
described, 8–10, 264
measuring, 25–26
amusement parks
camera settings for, 120–126
rides at, 123–126

safety issues, 120
as subject, 120
tripod restrictions at, 120, 124
angle of view
described, 264
focal length determining, 51–52, 162
adjusting for equivalent exposures, 34–35
for concerts, 114
depth of field controlled by, 4, 12, 29–30
described, 264
for events, 16
for fairs, 125
for fireworks, 165
for freezing action, 6–7, 11–12, 16, 134
f-stop measurements for, 29–30, 264
for indoor sporting events, 131
for landscapes, 219–220
for light painting, 205
maximum of, for lens
constant, 55–56
described, 54–55
high (fast lens), 11–12, 110, 265
low (slow lens), 268
variable, 55–56
for moon shots, 149–150
for neon signs, 182
shutter speed priority mode affecting, 34
smaller (higher f-stop), 4
for sporting events, 130, 134
for star trails, 159, 161
for weddings, 98–99
wider (lower f-stop)
prime lens having, 52–54, 99–100
when to use, 4
aperture priority mode (A or Av)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 33, 34, 264
for fairs, 120
HDR photos using, 39
for indoor shots, of people, 82
for landscapes, 219–220
Arca Swiss release clamps, 64
architecture. See buildings; cityscapes
ARW files, 236. See also RAW files
auto white balance, 41
continuous auto focus, 115
described, 11, 264
autofocus point, spot metering using, 26, 121
automatic exposure bracketing, 37
Av setting. See aperture priority mode
available light. See ambient light
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