Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
for star trails, 159
for storm light and lightning, 190

cable release
bulb mode used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 12, 65–66, 264
for fireworks, 163
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
camera. See also dSLR (digital Single Lens Reflex) camera
accessories for. See equipment
capabilities of, requirements for, 48, 49–51
previewing images at 100%, 110, 135–136
recent advances in
aperture settings, 29
autofocus feature, 11
ISO capabilities, 11, 31, 49
light metering, 11, 25–26
noise reduction, 8, 28, 31, 49
tossing and triggering shutter release, 212
vibration reduction in, 56–57
camera shake, 56–57, 101, 264
camera supports
described, 10–11
monopod, 11, 64–65, 267
bubble level for, 64
center-column weight hook for, 64, 224
compared to vibration reduction, 57
described, 11, 61–64, 269
for fireworks, 163
head of, 63–64
for landscapes, 223–224
legs of, 62–63
quick release plate for, 64
sand on, cleaning off, 228
for time-lapse photography, 153
vibration reduction used with, 56
Canon EOS T3, 50
exposure modes for, 32
vibration reduction in, 56
external flash systems, Canon EX Flash System, 80
remote shutter releases
Canon RC-6 Wireless remote, 66
Canon Remote Switch RS60 E3, 66
Canon TC-80N3 remote, 153
carbon-fiber, for tripod legs, 62
Carr, Peter (author)
HDR Photography Photo Workshop, 40
CCD (Charged Coupled Device), 264
bouncing light off, 77–79, 103
lights in, 88–91, 131

B (bulb mode)
for abstract images, 210
cable release used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 264
for fireworks, 165–166
for light painting, 205
for star trails, 159
for storm light and lightning, 190
at concerts, 113–114
described, 264
ball head, for tripod, 63
birthday parties, 112
bluish cast. See cool color temperature
camera shake causing, 56, 101, 264
camera supports preventing, 11, 61, 64
fast action causing, 6. See also freezing action
intentional. See movement, showing
sharpening in postproduction, 241
shutter triggering devices preventing, 12, 65
vibration reduction preventing, 56–57
bounce card, 79–80
bounce light. See also diffused lighting
colorcast from, 79
dedicated flash for, 59, 77–79
described, 264
for portraits, 15, 77–80
for weddings, 103, 106
with aperture priority mode, 37–38
automatic, camera feature for, 37, 175–176
described, 36–38, 264
for fairs, 120, 122
with shutter speed priority mode, 37–38
Bridge, Adobe, 208
bubble level, for tripod, 64
buffer, 238, 264
exterior of. See cityscapes
interior of
composition of, 86–88
lens for, 85
multiple light sources in, 88–91
as subject, 84–85
as subject, 16
built-in flash, 58, 76–77
built-in trigger, for flash, 61, 80
bulb mode (B)
for abstract images, 210
cable release used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 264
for fireworks, 165–166
for light painting, 205

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