Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), 264
of image files
described, 265
lossless compression, 267
lossy compression, 235–236, 267
of objects in image, from longer focal length, 174, 187
of time. See exposure, long; time-lapse photography
camera settings for, 114–117
equipment for, 110–112
fast glass for, 12
important moments of, capturing, 118–119
instruments in, photographing, 119
lens for, 110
lighting for, 8–9, 16, 25
monopod for, 11
shutter speed for, 109–110
stage lighting at, 112–114
as subject, 108–109
subjects for, 15
time restrictions for photographing, 111–112
constant-aperture lens, 55–56
continuous auto focus, 115
adjusting in postproduction, 253, 260
described, 265
of edges, increasing, 241. See also sharpness
high contrast, 266
low contrast (flat), 266
contrast (luminence) noise
adjusting in postproduction, 242, 243, 244
described, 238
cool color temperature, 42, 265. See also white balance
cord trigger, for flash, 80
Correll, Robert (author)
HDR Photography Photo Workshop, 40
CR2 files, 236. See also RAW files
cropped sensor, 85
cropping, 265
CRW files, 236. See also RAW files
CTO (Color Temperature Orange) gel, 91–92

dark tone, 267
daylight white balance setting, 42
dedicated flash
bounce card for, 79–80
bouncing light with, 77–79
described, 58–59, 75, 77, 265
diffusion dome for, 58, 79
direction of, 58–59
DeNoise plug-in, 244–245
depth of field. See DOF
Dfine plug-in, 243–244
diaphragm, 265. See also aperture

center-column weight hook, for tripod, 64, 224
center-weighted metering
described, 26, 264
for fairs, 121
for street scenes, 175
Charged Coupled Device (CCD), 264
children, as subjects. See action; people; sporting events
camera settings for, 188–190
light trails
creating with zoom lens, 54
described, 176
panning for, 178–179
of traffic flow, 176–178
zooming for, 179–180
lightening and storms, 190
location for, 186–187
neon signs
camera settings for, 182–184
halation from, 182
HDR for, 185
as subject, 181
points of view for, 186–187
street scenes
automatic bracketing for, 175–176
light trails from traffic flow, 176–178
points of view for, 173–174
safety issues, 174–175, 176–177
shutter speed for, 175–176
as subject, 172–174
timing for, 173
as subject, 18, 172, 186
timing for, 187–188
cloudy white balance setting, 42
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), 264
adjusting in postproduction, 254–256, 257, 260
of light sources, 40–43
temperature of
adjusting in postproduction, 252
adjusting with white balance. See white balance
described, 41, 264
color noise, 238
color space
Adobe RGB color space, 264
described, 264
sRGB color space, 269
Color Temperature Orange (CTO) gel, 91
adjusting in Adobe Photoshop Elements, 254
from bounced light, 79
from concert lighting, 115
white balance adjustments for, 13
colored gel filters
described, 264
for light painting, 198, 200, 210–211
for mixed lighting, 90–91
using with flash, 91, 106, 198

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