Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
flash sync speed, 75
gel over, 91, 106, 198
for indoor shots, of people, 75–81
for indoor sporting events, 132
as light source for light painting, 197–199
multiple, 61
snoot for, 198
softbox for, 80, 198
at weddings, 97, 102–105
gobo, 198
grid, 198
fast, 11–12, 110, 265
focal length of, 51–54, 55
maximum aperture of, 54–56
normal lens, 267
perspective control (tilt-shift) lens, 85
prime lens, 52–54, 99–100, 110–111, 268
slow, 268
telephoto lens, 52, 269
variable-aperture lens, 55–56, 269
vibration reduction in, 56–57
wide-angle lens, 52, 85, 87, 102, 269
zoom lens, 52–54, 55–56, 99, 179–180, 269
light meter, 25–26, 267
for light painting, 197–201
monopod, 11, 64–65, 267
reflector, 74, 268
remote shutter release
described, 12, 48, 65–66
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
for light patterns, 209
locking mechanism for, 66
for time-lapse photography, 153
timer included with, 67
for time-lapse photography, 153
described, 66–67
interval timer, 266
for remote shutter release, 67
self-timer for camera, 12, 66–67, 268
bubble level for, 64
center-column weight hook for, 64, 224
compared to vibration reduction, 57
described, 11, 61–64, 269
for fireworks, 163
head of, 63–64
for landscapes, 223–224
legs of, 62–63
quick release plate for, 64
sand on, cleaning off, 228
for time-lapse photography, 153
vibration reduction used with, 56
weather protection for camera, 174, 219

diffused lighting
described, 265
diffuser for, 74, 79, 103
diffusion dome for, 58
larger light sources for, 72
window light for, 73–74
digital noise. See also noise reduction
color noise, 238
described, 267
high ISO settings causing, 7–8
hot pixel noise, 29
luminence (contrast) noise, 238, 242, 243, 244
sensor heating up causing, 49
slow shutter speed causing, 7–8, 28, 29
stuck pixel noise, 29
digital Single Lens Reflex camera. See dSLR camera
direction of light, 22–24. See also bounce light
DNG files, 236, 237
DOF (depth of field)
aperture priority mode affecting, 34
aperture setting affecting, 4, 12, 29–30
described, 265
double exposures. See exposures, multiple
dSLR (digital Single Lens Reflex) camera. See also camera
built-in flash on, limitations of, 58, 76
described, 265
lenses for, changing, 29, 51
mirror in, causing movement, 225–226
RAW files supported by, 235
sensors in, 85
video capabilities of, 64

Elements, Adobe Photoshop
color and lighting adjustments, 252–257
combining multiple exposures, 38, 39, 208
described, 15, 234
noise reduction, 238–241
white balance adjustments, 246–249
cable release
bulb mode used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 12, 65–66, 264
for fireworks, 163
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
for concerts, 110–112
diffuser, 74, 79, 103
diffusion dome, 58
for fireworks, 163
accessory flash, off camera, 60–61, 80–81
built-in flash, 58, 76–77
dedicated flash, attached to camera, 58–59, 75, 77–80, 265
described, 266
fill flash, 265

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