Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


for cityscapes, 189
increasing effect of light sources, 25
for landscapes, 18, 223–230
lenses for, 55–56
for light trails, 162
longest shutter speed of camera, 50
for night sky, 17
noise caused by, 7–8, 29
noise reduction feature for, 28, 29, 161
stacking as alternative to, 161
for star trails, 159
timer for, 67
described, 27, 267
intentional, with exposure compensation, 38
for neon signs, 184
for time-lapse photography, 154
postproduction adjustments for, 13
proper exposure, 27, 268
described, 27, 269
intentional, with exposure compensation, 38
for neon signs, 182–183
for sunrises or sunsets, 144, 146
for time-lapse photography, 154
exposure compensation, 38
exposure metering, 265
exposure modes
aperture priority mode (A or Av)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 33, 34, 264
for fairs, 120
HDR photos using, 39
for indoor shots, of people, 82
for landscapes, 219–220
described, 32–34
manual exposure mode (M)
for concerts, 114, 116
described, 33, 34, 267
for fireworks, 165, 166–167
for indoor sporting events, 131
for light painting, 203–205
program auto mode (P), 32, 34, 268
shutter speed priority mode (S or Tv)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 32, 34, 268
exposure value (EV), 27, 38, 265. See also bracketing
exposures (captured images)
equivalent exposures, 34–35, 265
combining, 38–39, 150–152, 207–209
intervals between, 153
of same scene. See bracketing
stacking, 161–162
Eye-Fi memory cards, 155

equivalent exposures, 34–35, 265
equivalent focal length, 85, 265
EV (exposure value), 27, 38, 265. See also bracketing
evaluative metering. See matrix (evaluative) metering
birthday parties, 112
camera settings for, 114–117
equipment for, 110–112
fast glass for, 12
important moments of, capturing, 118–119
instruments in, photographing, 119
lens for, 110
lighting for, 8–9, 16, 25
monopod for, 11
shutter speed for, 109–110
stage lighting at, 112–114
as subject, 108–109
subjects for, 15
time restrictions for photographing, 111–112
camera settings for, 120–123, 125–126
rides at, 123–126
safety issues, 120
as subject, 120
tripod restrictions at, 120, 124
fast glass for, 12
lighting for, 9, 16
parades, 112
red carpet arrivals, 112
sporting events
anticipating action and timing, 136–138
camera settings for, 130, 131, 134–136
fast glass for, 12
freezing action, 133–136
indoor lighting, 131–133
lighting for, 9, 16, 25
outdoor lighting, 133
as subject, 130
as subject, 16
ceremony, 97–102
fast glass for, 12
lighting for, 9, 16, 25
reception, 102–108
as subject, 96–97
subjects for, 15
exposure (light measurement)
aperture setting for. See aperture
described, 265
different settings for same scene. See bracketing
ISO setting for. See ISO sensitivity
long (slow shutter speed)
for abstract images, 209
bulb mode for, 50–51, 159, 165–166, 205, 264
cable release and tripod with, 10, 12, 17, 62, 163

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