Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
built-in flash, 58, 76–77
dedicated flash, attached to camera
bounce card for, 79–80
bouncing light with, 59, 77–79
described, 58–59, 75, 77, 265
diffusion dome for, 58, 79
direction of, 58–59
described, 266
fill flash, 265
flash sync speed, 75
gel over, 91, 106, 198
for indoor shots, of people, 75–81
for indoor sporting events, 132
as light source for light painting, 197–199
multiple, 61
snoot for, 198
softbox for, 80, 198
at weddings, 97, 102–105
flash bracket, 104
flash exposure compensation, 266
flash sync, 266
flash sync speed, 75–76
flash white balance setting, 42
flashlights, for light painting, 199–201, 209–211
flat (low contrast), 266
fluorescent white balance setting, 43
focal length
described, 51–54, 266
determining maximum aperture of variable lens, 55
for light painting, 211
long (telephoto lens), 52
for moon shots, 147–149
range of (zoom lens), 52–54
short (wide-angle lens), 52
single (prime lens), 52–54
focal plane, 266
focal plane shutter, 75–76
autofocus, 11, 264
continuous auto focus, 115
described, 266
manual focus, 154, 166–167, 203–204
focus point, spot metering using, 26, 121
freezing action
camera and lenses for, 11–12
at concerts, 16, 109–110
described, 6–7, 27
at sporting events, 16, 133–136
for street scenes, 175
at weddings, 98
front lighting, 113–114, 266
f-stop, 29–30, 266. See also aperture
full-frame sensor, 85

f/ units. See aperture; f-stop
camera settings for, 120–126
rides at, 123–126
safety issues, 120
as subject, 120
tripod restrictions at, 120, 124
fast lens (fast glass), 11–12, 110, 265
file formats
choosing, 237–238
DNG files, 236, 237
JPEG files
adjusting white balance of, 246, 249, 252
artifacts from, removing, 239–240, 243
converting RAW files to, 236, 237
described, 234, 267
lossy compression used by, 235–236, 267
for time-lapse photography, 154
when to use, 237–238
list of, 235–237
RAW files
converting to DNG files, 236, 237
converting to JPEG files, 236, 237
described, 234, 235, 236–237, 238, 268
not recommended for time-lapse photography, 153
for street scenes, 176
white balance adjustments in postproduction, 13, 246–252
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files
adjusting white balance of, 246, 249, 252
described, 269
lossless compression used by, 267
XMP files, 234
fill flash, 265
film speeds, ISO based on, 30
colored gel filters
described, 264
for light painting, 200, 210–211
for mixed lighting, 90–91
using with flash, 91, 106, 198
described, 265
neutral density filter, 226
cable release for, 12–13
camera settings for, 165–167
composition of scene, 164–165
equipment for, 163
location for, 163–164
permissions required for, 163–164
slow shutter speed for, 28, 51, 165
timing for, 164, 166
accessory flash, off camera
holders for, 60
triggering methods for, 60–61, 80–81

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