Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


monopod for, 11
shutter speed for, 109–110
stage lighting at, 112–114
as subject, 108–109
subjects for, 15
time restrictions for photographing, 111–112
lighting for, 16, 23, 25
of people, 72–84
sporting events, 131–133
ceremony, 97–102
fast glass for, 12
lighting for, 9, 16, 25
reception, 102–108
as subject, 96–97
subjects for, 15
Induro tripod head, 64
intensity of light, 22, 24
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 266
interval timer, 153, 161, 266
Inverse Square Law, 24
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 266
ISO sensitivity
adjusting for equivalent exposures, 34–35
advances in camera features for, 11
for concerts, 114, 116
described, 266
differences between cameras, 134
for events, 16
for fairs, 125
film speeds as basis for, 30
for fireworks, 165
for freezing action, 6–7, 11–12, 134, 136
high, causing noise, 7–8, 30, 31
for indoor sporting events, 131
for Internet images, 50
for landscapes, 219–220
for light painting, 205
for moon shots, 149–150
postproduction software allowing more flexibility for, 13
range of, for a camera, 49
setting, 30–31
for small images, 50
for sporting events, 130, 134, 136
for star trails, 159, 161
for weddings, 98–100

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files
adjusting white balance of, 246, 249, 252
artifacts from, removing, 239–240, 243
converting RAW files to, 236, 237
described, 234, 267
lossy compression used by, 235–236, 267
for time-lapse photography, 154
when to use, 237–238

gear. See equipment
gel filters
described, 264
for light painting, 198, 200, 210–211
for mixed lighting, 90–91
using with flash, 91, 106, 198
gobo, 198
golden hour, 144, 145
light meter controlling, 25
middle gray, 267
grid, 198

halation, 182
HDR (High Dynamic Range)
described, 39–40, 266
for fairs, 122
for neon signs, 185
HDR Efex Pro, 39, 185
HDR Photography Photo Workshop (Correll and Carr), 40
high contrast, 266
High Dynamic Range. See HDR
high key (light tone), 266
high speed advance, 115
high speed continuous, 115
histogram, 266
hot pixel noise, 29, 243
hot shoe, 58, 266

image sensor
CMOS, 264
cropped sensor, 85
full-frame sensor, 85
heating up, causing noise, 49
sensitivity to light. See ISO sensitivity
image stabilization, 56–57, 226
image-editing software. See postproduction, software for
incandescent/tungsten white balance setting, 43
indoor shots
building interiors
composition of, 86–88
lens for, 85
multiple light sources in, 88–91
as subject, 84–85
challenges with, 72
camera settings for, 114–117
equipment for, 110–112
fast glass for, 12
important moments of, capturing, 118–119
instruments in, photographing, 119
lens for, 110
lighting for, 8–9, 16, 25

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