Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
diffused lighting
described, 265
diffuser for, 74, 79, 103
diffusion dome for, 58
larger light sources for, 72
window light for, 73–74
direction of, 22–24
front lighting, 113–114, 266
intensity of, 22, 24
Inverse Square Law for, 24
lack of, challenges caused by, 4–6
measuring with light meter, 25–26, 267
reflector for, 74, 268
side lighting, 268
sources of. See also flash
building interiors, 88–91
described, 24–25, 41
flashlights, for light painting, 199–201, 209–211
moon as, 220–222
multiple, 88–91
size of, 72–73
sparklers, for light painting, 201
at sporting events, 131–133
stage lighting, 112–114
window light, 73–75
top lighting, 269
tungsten light, 269
light meter, 25–26, 267
light painting
abstract images, 209–212
camera settings for, 203–205
described, 194
equipment for, 197–201
light as the subject, 196–197
light source for
moving, 206
types of, 197–201
people photographed with, 207
postproduction for, 207–209
procedure for, 201–202
revealing a subject using, 194–196
light patterns, 209–212
light tone (high key), 266
light trails. See also cityscapes
creating with zoom lens, 54
described, 176
panning for, 178–179
of traffic flow, 176–178
zooming for, 179–180
lightning, 190
Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop
color and lighting adjustments, 258–260
combining multiple exposures, 208
described, 15, 234
noise reduction, 241–243
white balance adjustments, 249–252
Liquid Crystal Display. See LCD

Kelvin (K) scale
color temperature measured by, 264
described, 41, 267

lakes. See water, in landscapes
landscapes. See also cityscapes
cable release for, 224–225
camera settings for, 219–222
composition of scene, 217–219
flowing water in, 226–228
framing of, 219
lines and curves in, 217–219
moon as light source for, 220–222
from night into day, 228–230
Rule of Thirds for, 217
as subject, 18, 216
timing for, 216, 227, 228–230
tripod for, 223–224
vibration reduction for, 223–226
weather, protecting equipment from, 219
layer blend modes, 207–208
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
described, 267
previewing images at 100%, 110, 135–136
focal length of, 51–54, 55
maximum aperture of
constant, 55–56
described, 54–55
high (fast lens), 11–12, 110, 265
low (slow lens), 268
variable, 55–56
perspective control (tilt-shift) lens, 85
types of
fast, 11–12, 110, 265
normal lens, 267
prime lens, 52–54, 99–100, 110–111, 268
slow, 268
telephoto lens, 52, 269
variable-aperture lens, 55–56, 269
wide-angle lens, 52, 85, 87, 102, 269
zoom lens, 52–54, 55–56, 99, 179–180, 269
vibration reduction in, 56–57
LensProToGo rentals, 224
ambient (available) light, 8–10, 25–26, 264
backlighting, 113–114, 264
bounce light
colorcast from, 79
dedicated flash for, 59, 77–79
described, 264
for portraits, 15, 77–80
for weddings, 103, 106
color of, 40–43. See also white balance

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