Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


monopod, 11, 64–65, 267
camera settings for, 149–150
double exposures for, 150–152
focal length for, 147–149
as source of light for landscapes, 220–222
as subject, 147
camera and lenses for, 11–12
at concerts, 16, 109–110
described, 6–7, 27
at sporting events, 16, 133–136
for street scenes, 175
at weddings, 98
showing. See also light painting; light trails; panning
for concerts, 110
of night sky, 17
shutter priority mode for, 34
shutter speed for, 27–28
for street scenes, 175
for weddings, 104, 105

Naval Oceanography Portal website, 146–147
NEF files, 236. See also RAW files
The Neon Museum, 181
neon signs. See also cityscapes
camera settings for, 182–184
halation from, 182
HDR for, 185
as subject, 181
neutral density filter, 226
night sky. See also sunrise or sunset
fireworks, 163–167
camera settings for, 149–150
double exposures for, 150–152
focal length for, 147–149
as source of light for landscapes, 220–222
as subject, 147
star trails, 158–162
as subject, 16–17, 142
Nik software
Dfine plug-in, 243–244
HDR Efex Pro, 39, 185
Photomatix Pro, 39
adaptor, Nikon EH5a adaptor, 155
cable release, Nikon MC-DC-2 shutter release, 66
Nikon D2X camera, 31
Nikon D3S camera, 49
Nikon D700 camera, 50
Nikon D7000 camera, 31

long exposure (slow shutter speed)
for abstract images, 209
bulb mode for, 50–51, 159, 165–166, 205, 264
cable release and tripod with, 10, 12, 17, 62, 163
for cityscapes, 189
increasing effect of light sources, 25
for landscapes, 18, 223–230
lenses for, 55–56
for light trails, 162
longest shutter speed of camera, 50
for night sky, 17
noise caused by, 7–8, 29
noise reduction feature for, 28, 29, 161
stacking as alternative to, 161
for star trails, 159
timer for, 67
lossless compression
described, 267
TIFF files using, 269
lossy compression, 267
low key, 267
luminence (contrast) noise
adjusting in postproduction, 242, 243, 244
described, 238
LumiQuest Promax System bounce card, 79–80
LumiQuest SoftBox III, 80
LunaSolCal app, 147

M setting. See manual exposure mode
Manfrotto 175F Justin Clamp, 60
Manfrotto tripods, 63
manual exposure mode (M)
for concerts, 114, 116
described, 33, 34, 267
for fireworks, 165, 166–167
for indoor sporting events, 131
for light painting, 203–205
manual focus, 154, 164, 166–167, 203–204
matrix (evaluative) metering
for cityscapes, 189
described, 26
for fairs, 121
for neon signs, 184, 185
memory buffer, 238, 264
memory card
file types, space used by, 235, 238
sizes increasing for, 155
metering modes
center-weighted metering, 26, 121, 175, 264
described, 267
matrix (evaluative) metering, 26
spot metering, 26
middle gray, 267
mirror in camera, movement of, 225–226
mirror lockup feature, 226

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