Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


increasing in postproduction, 241
shutter triggering devices for, 12, 65
vibration reduction for, 56–57
shutter, 268
shutter release button, 268. See also shutter triggering devices
shutter speed
adjusting for equivalent exposures, 34–35
aperture priority mode affecting, 34
bulb mode for, 264
for concerts, 109–110, 114, 116
described, 4, 5–6, 268
for fairs, 125
to eliminate camera shake, 101
for freezing action, 6–7, 12, 16, 27, 109–110, 134–136
shortest shutter speed of camera, 50
for fireworks, 165
for indoor sporting events, 131
for landscapes, 219–220, 222, 223–230
for light painting, 205
for moon shots, 149–150
setting, 27–29
slow (long exposure)
for abstract images, 209
bulb mode for, 50–51, 159, 165–166, 205, 264
cable release and tripod with, 10, 12, 17, 62, 163
for cityscapes, 189
increasing effect of light sources, 25
for landscapes, 18, 223–230
lenses for, 55–56
for light trails, 162
longest shutter speed of camera, 50
for night sky, 17
noise caused by, 7–8, 29
noise reduction feature for, 28, 29, 161
stacking as alternative to, 161
for star trails, 159
timer for, 67
for sporting events, 130, 134–136
for star trails, 159, 161
for street scenes, 175–176
for weddings, 98–99
shutter speed priority mode (S or Tv)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 32, 34, 268
shutter triggering devices
cable release
bulb mode used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 12, 65–66, 264
for fireworks, 163
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
remote shutter release
described, 12, 48, 65–66
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225

described, 234, 235, 236–237, 238, 268
not recommended for time-lapse photography, 153
for street scenes, 176
white balance adjustments in postproduction, 13, 246–252
rear-curtain sync, 104, 268
red carpet arrivals, 112
red cast. See warm color temperature
red eye
built-in flash causing, 77
described, 268
red-eye reduction
camera setting for, 77
dedicated flash for, 58
described, 268
reflector, 74, 268
release cable
bulb mode used with, 12, 48–49, 50–51
described, 12, 65–66, 264
for fireworks, 163
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
remote shutter release
described, 12, 48, 65–66
importance of, 10, 12, 65
for landscapes, 224–225
for light patterns, 209
locking mechanism for, 66
for time-lapse photography, 153
timer included with, 67
remote trigger, for flash, 60, 61, 81
RGB color space, Adobe, 264
rooms. See buildings; indoor shots
Rule of Thirds, 217

S or Tv (shutter speed priority mode)
bracketing used with, 37–38
described, 32, 34, 268
sandbags, weighing down tripod with, 64
scene metering, 268
described, 66–67, 268
limitations of, 12
CMOS, 264
cropped sensor, 85
full-frame sensor, 85
heating up, causing noise, 49
sensitivity to light. See ISO sensitivity
shade white balance setting, 42
direction of light determined from, 23–24
reducing, with directional flash, 58–59
sharpness. See also freezing action; shutter speed
camera supports for, 11, 61, 64
described, 268

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