Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
exposure time for, calculating, 159–161, 162
focal length for, 162
location for, 158, 162
stacking for, 161–162
Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce, 79
stop measurement. See also f-stop
described, 27, 269
with equivalent exposures, 34–35
with exposure bracketing, 36–37
with exposure compensation, 38
storm lighting, 190
street scenes. See also cityscapes
automatic bracketing for, 175–176
light trails from traffic flow, 176–178
points of view for, 173–174
safety issues, 174–175, 176–177
shutter speed for, 175–176
as subject, 172–174
timing for, 173
stuck pixel noise, 29
abstract. See light painting; light trails
choosing, 15–18
cityscapes. See cityscapes
events. See events
landscapes. See landscapes
night sky. See night sky
people. See people
places. See buildings; cityscapes; landscapes
Sunrise app, 147
sunrise or sunset
camera settings for, 146
with details shown for specific areas of, 145
golden hour for, 144
as illumination for subject, 145
with silhouettes of foreground subjects, 144–145
as subject, 142–143
timing for, 146–147
sunrisesunset website, 146

Tagged Image File Format. See TIFF files
telephoto lens, 52, 269
tethered shooting, for time-lapse photography, 155
Think Tank Photo camera rain covers, 174
three-way pan head, for tripod, 63–64
Through The Lens (TTL) system, 82
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files
adjusting white balance of, 246, 249, 252
described, 269
lossless compression used by, 267
tilt-shift lens, 85
timeanddate website, 146
time-lapse photography
described, 152
equipment for, 153

shutter triggering devices, remote shutter release (continued)
for light patterns, 209
locking mechanism for, 66
for time-lapse photography, 153
timer included with, 67
side lighting, 268. See also walls, bouncing light off; windows,
light from
silhouette. See also backlighting
described, 268
of foreground subjects in sunrise or sunset, 144–145
sky at night. See also sunrise or sunset
fireworks, 163–167
camera settings for, 149–150
double exposures for, 150–152
focal length for, 147–149
as source of light for landscapes, 220–222
as subject, 147
star trails, 158–162
as subject, 16–17, 142
sunrise or sunset, 142–147
slave (optical) trigger, for flash, 61
slow lens, 268
smooth-panning head, for tripod, 63–64
snoot, 198
softbox, 80, 198
HDR (High Dynamic Range), 39, 185
plug-ins for noise reduction, 243–246
for postproduction, 13–15, 234. See also specific programs
exposure modes for, 32
vibration reduction in, 56
sparklers, for light painting, 201
sporting events
anticipating action and timing, 136–138
camera settings for, 130, 131, 134–136
fast glass for, 12
freezing action, 133–136
indoor lighting, 131–133
lighting for, 9, 16, 25
outdoor lighting, 133
as subject, 130
spot metering
for concerts, 114–115, 116
described, 26, 268
for fairs, 121
for sunrises or sunsets, 146
SR2 files, 236. See also RAW files
SRF files, 236. See also RAW files
sRGB color space, 269
stacking, for star trails, 161–162
stage lighting, 112–114
star trails
ambient light affecting, 162
camera settings for, 159, 161
described, 158–160

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