Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
button that you can press to trigger the shutter
release on a wide range of Nikon cameras. This
single-function remote retails for about $20. Even
though this remote only has one button, it does
lock the shutter open when you set the camera to
bulb mode. Press the button once to open the
shutter, and press it again to close the shutter.
The Canon RC-6 Wireless remote triggers the
shutter on a host of Canon cameras. This remote
has a single button and works by line of site from
the remote to the front of the camera, so when
the camera is mounted on a tripod and you are
trying to trigger the shutter release from behind
the camera, you might have to adjust where you
aim the remote to get it to work.
The simplest Nikon shutter release is the
MC-DC-2 Remote release cord, which is compat-
ible with the newer consumer-level cameras. It is
just a simple button that can be locked open;
when you press the button, it triggers the camera.
If you are a Canon user, check out the Canon
Remote Switch RS60 E3, which brings the single
button remote to the Canon line of cameras.
Regardless of what type of camera you have, you
should check your camera manual to find out
which remote triggers are compatible before pur-
chasing one.


Chances are your camera has a built-in timer that
can trigger the shutter release a few seconds after
you press the shutter release button. This was cre-
ated so that you could set the camera down, press
the shutter release button, and run back to get in
your own photo. It also offers the advantage that,
by using the timer, the camera doesn’t have any-
thing touching it before the shutter is moved,
which reduces the small vibrations that can be

just have a button that, when pressed, triggers the
camera’s shutter release. Some remotes allow you
to lock the button in place so that when used
with the camera’s bulb mode, the shutter will stay
open as long as the remote button is locked. The
Nikon MC-36, shown in Figure 3-19, has a shut-
ter release button that can be locked open just by
sliding the lock up when pressing the button.

The difference between a shutter release (also
called a cable release) and a remote is that a shut-
ter release is usually attached to the camera phys-
ically while the remote is a wireless trigger. For
example, the Nikon ML-L3 remote has a single

ABOUT THIS PHOTO The Nikon MC-36 is a remote trigger that
can keep the shutter locked open.

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