Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing

(singke) #1
Whey-based Ingredients 181

  • Use of rennet (chymosin) in cheese and
    rennet casein manufacture adds glycomac-
    ropeptide to the whey stream. This protein
    fraction is not present in whey streams
    derived from the direct acidifi cation or the
    microfi ltration of skim milk. GMP increases
    the protein content of the whey fraction
    and changes its functional properties by
    diluting the effects of β - lactoglobulin and
    α - lactalbumin.

  • Cheese type impacts pH, total solids, and
    mineral and fat contents; cheese manufac-
    ture also adds cheese fi nes, various protein
    peptides, enzymes, and starters.

  • Use of direct acidifi cation leads to a whey
    stream with higher mineral content and
    adds acid ions that change the fl avor and
    functional properties of the whey.

  • In general, casein whey, which is made
    from skim milk, has lower fat content than
    cheese whey, made from whole milk. This
    difference in initial whey fat is reduced by
    separation of the fat from cheese whey
    during whey treatment.

  • Whey protein from the microfi ltration of
    skim milk typically has no measurable fat
    and may contain small amounts of casein
    proteins (Oestergaard, no date; Marcelo
    and Rizvi 2008 ).

  • Seasonal variation in the composition of
    milk and whey affects dairy herds that are
    grass fed and receive minimal supplemen-
    tary feeding. Calving occurs in spring and

between $1.50/kg and $280/kg. The place-
ment of the bubble in relation to the Y axis
is related to its total global production, as
given by Affertsholt and Nielsen (2007).

Whey Sources and Composition

Whey is a dilute liquid containing approxi-
mately 6% solids, of which approximately
5.4% is lactose and 0.7% is protein. The
whey protein is a complex mixture of β -
lactoglobulin ( β - lg; approximately 55%), α -
lactalbumin ( α - lac; approximately 24%),
bovine serum albumin (BSA; approximately
5%), immunoglobulins (approximately 15%),
and several other minor proteins (Swaisgood
1996 ). Whey also can include more than
20% glycomacropeptide (GMP) if the whey
is from cheese manufacture (Regester and
Smithers 1991 ).
Whey produced from cheese and rennet
casein is known as sweet whey; whey pro-
duced from direct acidifi cation (e.g., from
cottage cheese or acid casein manufacture) is
known as acid whey. Whey produced from
the microfi ltration of skim milk is yet to
receive a standard of identity; it has been
named serum protein, soluble milk protein,
and native WPI (Marcelo and Rizvi 2008 ,
Zulewska et al. 2009 ). The whey composi-
tions are shown in Table 8.1.
Whey composition is variable and depends
on a number of factors (Abd El - Salam et al.
2009 ):

Table 8.1. Typical composition of whey streams.

Sweet whey Acid whey Soluble whey protein
from microfi ltration
% Total solids 6.4 ± 0.4 6.4 ± 0.4 5.8 ± 0.3
% Protein 0.85 ± 0.05 0.7 ± 0.2 0.55 ± 0.05
% Lactose 5.0 ± 0.1 4.6 ± 0.3 4.6 ± 0.2
% Fat 0.06 a – 0.4 b < 0.05 a Not detected
% Ash 0.65 ± 0.05 0.75 ± 0.05 0.55 ± 0.05
% Calcium 0.04 – 0.05 0.15 ± 0.5 No data
pH 5.9 ± 0.2 4.5 ± 0.1 6.6 ± 0.1

a After separation
b Before separation
Adapted from Zadow (1992), Anon (2004) , Kilara (2008)

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