Hardware Manual

(John Hannent) #1

Hardware Manual PCD 1 / PCD 2 Series│Document 26 / 737│Edition EN 15│2008-07-22

Saia-Burgess Controls AG


Input/output (I/O) modules


Inputs per axis
Module type PCD2.H320 PCD2.H322 PCD2.H325 PCD2.H327
Terminal 1 = “A” Encoder signal “A”
Terminal 2 = “/A” Not used Encoder signal “/A”
Terminal 3 = “B” Encoder signal “B”
Terminal 4 = “/B” Not used Encoder signal “/B”
Terminal 5 = IN” Encoder signal “IN”
Terminal 6 = /IN” Not used Encoder signal “/IN”
Terminal 7 = “LS2” Limit switch 2
Terminal 8 = REF” Reference switch
Terminal 9 = “LS1” Limit switch 1
Terminal 11 = SI” Synchronization input
Screw terminal block J5, axis 1
Terminal 12 = “5 V” Not used Supply output
+ 5 VDC for encoder
Terminal 13 = “-” Ground (PGND)
Screw terminal block J4, axis 2
Terminal 12 =“+” External supply + 24 VDC smoothed, for SO
Terminal 13 = “-” Ground (PGND)
Outputs per axis
Module type PCD2.H320 PCD2.H322 PCD2.H325 PCD2.H327
Terminal 0 = “OUT” Analogue control output. (Slave) axis 1 only
Terminal 10 = “SO” Synchronization output
Software queries
The elements listed in the table below can be queried by the user (examples for
module 1). The module type and the FPGA version can be obtained with the ‘FB
Exec’ function and the ‘RdIdent’ instruction.

Inputs Description
REF_1s2 REFerence switch
LS1_1s2 Limit switch 1
LS2_1s2 Limit switch 2
AxisSelect_1_2 (output) RES = axis 1, SET = axis 2
AxisIn_1s2 State of axis synchronization input
AxisOut_1s2 State of axis synchronization output
AxisEvent_1_2 Axis event interrupt
PowerError_1_2 Internal supply error
PowerEncError_1_2 Encoder supply error
CableBreak_1s2 Cable break
SSI_timeout_1s2 SSI timeout
OK_LED_1_2 State of controller (OK LED)
HostIOError_1_2 Host I/O error
( _1s2 selection of axis via “Axis Select” output)
( _1_2 affects whole module)
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