Hardware Manual

(John Hannent) #1

Hardware Manual PCD 1 / PCD 2 Series│Document 26 / 737│Edition EN 15│2008-07-22

Saia-Burgess Controls AG

PCD2.K525 and PCD2.K551 adapters

System cables and adapters


6.2.3 PCD2.K525 adapter

Ribbon/screw terminal adapter for 16 inputs/outputs, with 3 × 16 screw terminals and

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415
+ + + +... ...+ + + +- - - -... ...- - - -

PCD end: 16-pole ribbon connector,
Process end: 3 x 16 screw terminals 0.5 - 1.5 mm^2.
Type and item-number: PCD2.K525 with LEDs - for source operation only
Connection of PCD2.E160 and PCD2.E161
For the off connection of PCD2.E161 and PCD2.E161 the system cables PCD2.K231PCD2.E161 and PCD2.E161 the system cables PCD2.K231.E161 and PCD2.E161 the system cables PCD2.K231the system cables PCD2.K231PCD2.K231
(1 m) or PCD2.K232 (2 m) chapt.6.1.2 are used.
The “-” of the Supply must be connected to the the “-” of the screw-terminal for the“-” of the Supply must be connected to the the “-” of the screw-terminal for thethe
Source Operation (positive logic). The “+” must not be connected. The jumper JP1“+” must not be connected. The jumper JP1
has to be plugged to the position “Positive Logic”.
The “+” and the “-” of the Supply must be connected to the “+” and the “-” of the“+” and the “-” of the Supply must be connected to the “+” and the “-” of the
screw-terminal for thethe Sink Operation (negative logic). The jumper JP1 has to beThe jumper JP1 has to be
plugged to the position “Negative Logic”.
Connection of PCD2.A460 PCD2.A460
For the off connection of PCD2.A460 the system cables PCD2.K231 (1m) orPCD2.A460 the system cables PCD2.K231 (1m) or.A460 the system cables PCD2.K231 (1m) orthe system cables PCD2.K231 (1m) orPCD2.K231 (1 m) or
PCD2.K232 (2 m) chapt.6.1.2 are used. The “+” and the “-” of the Supply must be“+” and the “-” of the Supply must be
connected to the “+” and the “-” of the screw-terminal.
The supply is only connected to the module when the Jumper JP1 is plugged to the
position “Negative Logic”
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