Hardware Manual

(John Hannent) #1

Hardware Manual PCD 1 / PCD 2 Series│Document 26 / 737│Edition EN 15│2008-07-22

Saia-Burgess Controls AG

Internal LED displays and small terminals

CPUs and expansion housings


3.18 Internal LED displays and small terminals

Outputs / communication interfaces can be used to connect external displays and
terminals to all PCD CPUs. On the PCD1 and PCD2, it is also possible to attach such
a user interface directly to the CPU.

3.18.1 PCD2.F510 7-segment LED display (PCD2.M110/M120/M150 only)

The display consists of six 7-segment LED digits with decimal points, and is mounted
on socket B. It is visible from outside through the window in the cover. The DSP
instruction can be used to display the figures 0 ... 9 and various other characters:

This integrated display can be easily used to show process states, error numbers,
step numbers, dates and times, update information etc. By alternating the display or
setting switches on inputs, several pieces of information can be displayed.
In the Fupla standard library, two FBoxes are provided under "Display", allowing
convenient access to the display.
The following programming rules apply for IL programming:
The display has three modes:

Mode Properties
6-digit The whole display is used to show a number (e.g. 123456)
or one of the standard text strings (e.g. Error or HELP)
2-digit The first four digits have been defined with a previous
instruction (text, e.g. Err), and the last two digits can now
be used to display a number

Within the limitations of the 7-segment display, any
character string can be displayed

The content of the display is managed with a DSP instruction. DSP instructions may
be used with a constant (e.g. DSP K 0) or a register (e.g DSP R 0) as a parameter.
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