Parent and Child Roots - S
af1) )USJQ ()USJQ MW-
Ah-QH) — Burden: [freq. 1]
|kjv: affliction| {str: 4157}
- 6 S (6SAhR) ac: Bare co: Skin
ab: ?: The pictograph S is a picture of
the eye, the V is a picture of a man.
Combined these mean "see a man". When
the enemy is captured, he is stripped of
his clothes to the skin and carefully
A) 6 S (6SAhR) ac:? co: Naked
am)6SQ (6SQMAh-R) —
Nakedness: [freq. 2] |kjv:
nakedness, proportion| {str:
im/f)6SX (6SXT-AhR) — I.
Razor: For shaving hair and
making the face naked. II.
Sheath: For holding a blade.
[freq. 13] |kjv: sheath, razor,
penknife, scabbard, shave| {str:
lm)6SVS (6SVSAhR-AhR)
— Naked: [freq. 2] |kjv:
destitute, heath| {str: 6199}
apm) 1VSQ (1VSQ MAh-
RM) — Naked: [freq. 1] |kjv:
naked| {str: 4636}
clm)6SJVS (6SJVSAh-RW-
AhR) — Naked: [freq. 1] |kjv:
heath| {str: 6176}
cpm)1JVS (1JVSAh-RWM)
— Naked: [df:Mre] [freq. 16]
|kjv: naked| {str: 6174}
ecpm)1JVMS (1JVMSAhY-
RWM) — Naked: [df: Mrye
Mre] [freq. 10] |kjv: naked,
nakedness| {str: 5903}
B) 6 VS (6VS AhRR)ac:? co:
V) 6VS (6VS Ah-RR) —
Bare:[freq. 4] (vf: Paal, Pilpel)
|kjv: bare, raise, break| {str:
bfm)-VMVS (-VMVSAh-RY-
RY) — Barren: One who is
childless. [freq. 4] |kjv: childless|
{str: 6185}
H))VS ()VSAhRH) ac: Uncover
co: Naked ab:?
V) )VS ()VSAh-RH) — I.
Uncover: To remove the
covering. II. Empty: To remove
the contents of a container or
destroy a city. [freq. 15] (vf:
Niphal, Hiphil, Hitpael, Piel,
Participle) |kjv: uncover,
discover, empty, rase, destitute,
naked, pour, spread| {str: 6168}
Nf1) )VS ()VS Ah-RH) —
Meadow: A place barren of
trees. [freq. 1] |kjv: reed| {str:
am))VSQ ()VSQMAh-RH)
— Meadow: A place barren of
trees. [freq. 1] |kjv: meadow|
{str: 4629}
ff1))MVS ()MVSAhR-YH) —
Naked: [freq. 6] |kjv: naked,
bare| {str: 6181}
J) 6 JS (6JSAhWR) ac:? co: Skin
ab: ?: The bare skin without clothing.
V) 6JS (6JS AhWR) —
Naked: To have the skin
exposed. [freq. 1] (vf: Niphal)
|kjv: naked| {str: 5783}
Nm) 6JS (6JS AhWR) —
Skin: The skin of men or
animals as well as leather made
from animal skins. Also the husk
of a seed. [Hebrew and Aramaic]