Parent and Child Roots - U
— Place: A place one rises up
to. [ms: Mqm] [freq. 402] |kjv:
place, home, room, open, space,
country| {str: 4725}
if1) )QJUX ()QJUX T-QW-
MH) — Stand: [freq. 1] |kjv:
stand| {str: 8617}
MM) — Rising: [freq. 1] |kjv:
rise| {str: 8618}
QW-MM-YWT) — Erect: [freq. 1]
|kjv: upright| {str: 6968}
L) 1 UM (1UMYQM) ac:? co:
Substance ab:?
dm)1JUM (1JUMY-QWM) —
Substance: Any standing thing
or person. [freq. 3] |kjv:
substance| {str: 3351}
M) 1 MU (1MUQYM) ac: Raise
co: Stand ab:?
Nm)1MU (1MUQYM) — I.
Stand: Someone or something
that stands erect. [Hebrew and
Aramaic] II. Decree:A standing
word. [Aramaic only] [freq. 5]
|kjv: sure, steadfast| {str: 7009,
7010, 7011}
— Rising: [freq. 1] |kjv: rising|
{str: 7012}
Adopted Roots;
2433 1UR Avenge, Vengeance
2711 ,QUGrind, Meal
2712 9QUSnatch
2713 0QUWither
2714 =QUGrasp, Handful
2715 7QUCling, Thorn
1428) 2 U (2UQN) ac: Acquire co: Nest
ab: Zealous: The pictograph U is a
picture of the sun at the horizon and the
gathering of the light, the R is a picture of
a seed. Combined these mean "gathering
for the seeds". The parent birds go about
gathering materials to build a nest where
they will raise their seeds (eggs). (eng:
coin - for purchasing)
A) 2 U (2UQN) ac:? co: Nest ab:
?:A birds nest as well as a stall for
animals as a nest.
Nm) 2U (2U QN) — Nest:
[freq. 13] |kjv: nest, room| {str:
B) 2 RU (2RUQNN) ac:? co: Nest
ab: ?: The building of the nest and
V)2RU (2RUQ-NN) — Nest:
To build a Nest or home. [freq.
5] (vf: Pual, Piel) |kjv: nest| {str:
bm) 2MRU (2MRU Q-NYN) —
Possessions: The goods and
wealth acquired as the acquiring
of materials for building a nest.
[freq. 10] |kjv: substance,
getting, goods, riches, with| {str:
E)$RU ($RUQNA) ac:? co:? ab:
Zealous: The parent bird will guard
over and protect the nest and eggs
from predators. Man can guard over
the family, wife, possessions in a
positive way (protect, from an
enemy) or in a negative way (by not
trusting or a desire to have anothers
V) $RU ($RU Q-NA) —
Zealous: [freq. 33] (vf: Hiphil,
Piel) |kjv: envy, jealous, zealous,
zeal| {str: 7065}