Parent and Child Roots - V
Nm) 1EV (1EV R-AM) —
Reeym: An Unknown animal.
Possibly from its height. [ms:
MyarMyrMr] [freq. 9] |kjv:
unicorn| {str: 7214}
— Coral: Lifted up as a highly
prized item. [freq. 2] |kjv: coral|
{str: 7215}
H))QV ()QVRMH) ac: Throw
co:? ab: ?: A throwing of something
V))QV ()QVR-MH) — I.
Throw: To throw or shoot
arrows. [Hebrew and Aramaic]
II. Deceive: [Unknown
connection to root] [freq. 24]
(vf: Paal, Piel, Participle) |kjv:
deceive, beguile, throw, betray,
carry| {str: 7411, 7412}
J) 1 JV (1JV RWM) ac: Lift co:
High ab: Pride: Anything that is
high or lifted up.
V)1JV (1JVRWM) — Lift:
To lift something up. [Hebrew
and Aramaic] [ar: Nwr] [freq.
198] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Hophal)
|kjv: lift, exalt, high, offer, give,
heave, extol, lofty, take, tall|
{str: 7311, 7313}
Nm) 1JV (1JV RWM) —
High: Something that is lifted
up. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [ms:
Mr] [freq. 12] |kjv: high,
haughtiness, height| {str: 7312,
7314, 7315}
Nf1))QJV ()QJVRW-MH) —
Proudly: In the sense lifting
oneself up. [freq. 1] |kjv:
haughtily| {str: 7317}
am) 1JVQ (1JVQ M-RWM)
— Heights: A high place. [freq.
54] |kjv: high, height, above,
high place, dignity, haughty,
loftily, upward| {str: 4791}
i f1) )QJVX ()QJVXT-RW-
MH) — Offering: As lifted up.
[ms: hmrt] [freq. 76] |kjv:
offering, oblation, heave, gift,
offered| {str: 8641}
M-YH) — Offering: As lifted up.
[freq. 1] |kjv: oblation| {str:
M) 1 MV (1MVRYM) ac:? co:?
Nf1) )QMV ()QMV RY-MH)
— Maggot: A quick breeding
insect. [ms: hmr] [freq. 7] |kjv:
worm| {str: 7415}
1451) 2 V (2VRN) ac: Shout co:? ab: ?:
Any loud noise.
B) 2 RV (2RVRNN) ac: Shout co:?
ab: ?: A shout of joy, desperation or
V)2RV (2RVR-NN) — Shout:
[freq. 54] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Pual,
Piel, Participle) |kjv: sing,
rejoice, shout, cry| {str: 7442,
Nm) 2RV (2RV R-NN) —
Shouting: A site that shouts out
beauty. [freq. 1] |kjv: goodly|
{str: 7443}
Nf1) )RRV ()RRV RN-NH) —
Shouting: [freq. 4] |kjv: joyful,
triumphing, singing| {str: 7445}
C) 2 VE (2VEARN) ac:? co:? ab:
?: [Unknown meaning;]
gm) 2VJE (2VJEAW-RN) —
Oren: An unknown tree. [ms:
Nra] [freq. 1] |kjv: ash| {str: