Parent and Child Roots - W
hold". The pressing into anothers place
and grabbing hold of his possessions.
B)<\W (<\WShSS) ac: Plunder
co:? ab:?
V) <\W (<\W Sh-SS) —
Plunder: [freq. 5] (vf: Paal,
Niphal) |kjv: spoil, riffle| {str:
D)<EW (<EWShAS) ac: Plunder
co:? ab:?
V) <EW (<EW Sh-AS) —
Plunder: [freq. 1] (vf: Paal,
Participle) |kjv: spoil| {str: 7601}
H))\W ()\WShSH) ac: Plunder
co:? ab:?
V) )\W ()\W Sh-SH) —
Plunder:[df: hVs] [freq. 12]
(vf: Paal, Participle) |kjv: spoil,
spoiler, rob| {str: 8154}
J)<JW (<JWShWS) ac: Plunder
co:? ab:?
kf1))\JWQ ()\JWQM-ShW-
SH) — Plunder: [freq. 1] |kjv:
spoil| {str: 4882}
M) <MW (<MWShYS) ac: Plunder
co:? ab:?
kf1))\MWQ ()\MWQM-ShY-
SH) — Plunder: [ms: hosm]
[freq. 6] |kjv: spoil, booty| {str:
Adopted Roots;
2857 3\W Split
2858 4\W Hew
1476) 3 W (3WShAh) ac: Watch co:
Shepherd ab: Delight: The pictograph W
is a picture of the teeth used for
devouring or destruction, the S is a
picture of the eye. Combined these mean
"destroyer watches". The shepherd
carefully watches over the flock and the
surrounding area always on the lookout
for danger. When a predator comes to
attack, the shepherd destroys the enemy.
A) 3 W (3WShAh) ac: Watch co:
?ab: Delight: The shepherd watches
over and cares for and delights in his
Nf1))SW ()SWSh-AhH) —
Hour: The watching of the arch
of the sun to determine the hour
of the day. [Aramaic only] [freq.
5] |kjv: hour| {str: 8160}
im/f) 3WX (3WX T-ShAh) —
Nine: [Unknown connection to
rootAlso meaning ninety when
written in the plural form -
QMSWX] [freq. 78] |kjv:
nine, ninth, ninety| {str: 8672,
ldm) 3JWSW (3JWSW
ShAh-ShWAh) — Delight: [ms:
eses] [freq. 9] |kjv: delight,
pleasant| {str: 8191}
bfm)-SMWX (-SMWXT-ShY-
AhY) — Ninth: [Unknown
connection to root;] [freq. 18]
|kjv: ninth| {str: 8671}
hff) -SWQ (-SWQ MSh-
AhY) — Cleanse: As a
preparation for inspection. [freq.
1] |kjv: supple| {str: 4935}
B) 3 SW (3SWShAhAh) ac:? co:
? ab: Delight: The shepherd takes
delight in his sheep.
V)3SW (3SWSh-AhAh) —
Delight: [freq. 9] (vf: Paal,
Hiphil, Pilpel) |kjv: delight, cry,
play, dandle, shut| {str: 8173}
H))SW ()SWShAhH) ac: Watch
co:? ab: ?: The shepherd inspects
and watches over the flock with
compassion and protection.