Parent and Child Roots - W
V) 6EW (6EW Sh-AR) —
Remain: [freq. 133] (vf: Paal,
Niphal, Hiphil, Participle) |kjv:
leave, remain, remnant, let, rest|
{str: 7604}
Nm)6EW (6EWSh-AR) — I.
Remnant:What is left behind.
II. Kin: A near relative of
another tribe. [freq. 54] |kjv:
flesh, kinswoman, food, near,
nigh, kin, body, kinsman,
remnant, rest, residue, other|
{str: 7605, 7606, 7607}
— Kin: A near female relative.
[freq. 1] |kjv: kinswoman| {str:
Nf4) 8MVEW (8MVEW ShA-
RYT) — Remnant: [freq. 66]
|kjv: remnant, residue, rest,
remainder, escaped| {str: 7611}
lf1))VWVW ()VWVWShR-Sh-
RH) — Cord: [freq. 7] |kjv:
chain| {str: 8333}
H))VW ()VW ShRH) ac: Loose
co: Cord ab: ?: The tying around of
something with a cord, or the
loosening of it.
V) )VW ()VW Sh-RH) —
Loose: To untie something or to
let something go. [Hebrew and
Aramaic] [freq. 9] (vf: Paal,
Piel) |kjv: loose, dissolve, dwell,
began| {str: 8271, 8281, 8293}
J) 6 JW (6JW ShWR) ac:? co:
Caravan ab: ?: A group that travels
around an area carrying loads. The
bull is used as a beast of burden to
carry loads.
V) 6JW (6JW ShWR) — I.
Caravan: To travel as a group
of merchants with loads. II. See:
[Unknown connection to root]
[freq. 18] (vf: Paal, Participle)
|kjv: went, sing, behold, see,
look, observe, wait, regard,
perceive| {str: 7788, 7789}
Nm) 6JW (6JW ShWR) — I.
Ox: Used for pulling heavy
loads. [Hebrew and Aramaic]
[ar: rwt] II. Wall: As tied
around a city. [Hebrew and
Aramaic] III. Enemy: As one
who is to be tied up. [freq. 93]
|kjv: ox, bullock, cow, bull,
enemy, wall| {str: 7790, 7791,
7792, 7794, 8450}
Nf1))VJW ()VJWShW-RH) —
Row: As a wall. [df: hrwV]
[freq. 1] |kjv: principle| {str:
— Gift: As brought by a
traveler. [freq. 1] |kjv: present|
{str: 8670}
L) 6 WM (6WM YShR) ac:? co:
Cord ab: ?: A tight rope is straight.
A righteous one is one who is
straight and firmly holds up truth just
as the cord is straight and firmly
holds the wall of the tent upright.
V) 6WM (6WMY-ShR) — I.
Straight: To be in a straight
line, path or thought. II.
Remnant:[df: rty] [freq. 134]
(vf: Paal, Niphal, Hiphil, Pual,
Piel, Participle) |kjv: please,
straight, direct, right, well, fit,
good, meet, upright, remain,
leave, rest, remainder, remnant,
reserve, residue, plenteous,
behind, excel, preserve| {str:
3474, 3498}
Nm) 6WM (6WMY-ShR) — I.
Cord: The cord of the bow. [df:
rty] II. Straight: A straight
line, path or thought. III.