
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - W

Nss] [freq. 15] |kjv: lily| {str:
L) 7 WM (7WMYShSh)ac:? co:
Oldab: ?: The white hair of the older
Nm) 7WM (7WMY-ShSh) —
Old: [freq. 1] |kjv: age| {str:
bm) 7MWM (7MWMY-ShYSh)
— Old: [freq. 4] |kjv: ancient,
aged, old| {str: 3453}
M) 7 MW (7MWShYSh)ac:? co:
Marble ab: ?: A white stone.
Nm) 7MW (7MW ShYSh) —
Marble: [freq. 1] |kjv: marble|
{str: 7893}

  1. 8 W (8WShT) ac: Sit co: Buttocks
    ab: ?: A coming together and sitting to
    drink. (eng: set - with the exchange of the
    s and sh; seat; tush - with the reversal of
    the letters; sheet)
    A) 8 W (8W ShT) ac: Sit co:
    Buttocks ab:?
    Nm) 8W (8W ShT) —
    Buttocks: As the place of
    sitting. [freq. 2] |kjv: buttocks|
    {str: 8357}
    bf1))MXW ()MXWShT-YH) —
    Drinking: [freq. 1] |kjv:
    drinking| {str: 8360}
    fm) -XW (-XW Sh-TY) — I.
    Drunkenness: II. Warp: A tool
    used for weaving, an activity
    performed while sitting down.
    [freq. 10] |kjv: drunkenness,
    warp| {str: 8358, 8359}
    B) 8 XW (8XWShTT) ac: Sit co:?

V)8XW (8XWSh-TT) — Sit:
To set or lay down. [freq. 2] (vf:
Paal) |kjv: lay, set| {str: 8371}
H))XW ()XWShTH) ac: Feast co:
?ab: ?: A time of seating together
and drinking.
V) )XW ()XW Sh-TH) —
Drink: [Hebrew and Aramaic]
[freq. 222] (vf: Paal, Niphal)
|kjv: drink, drinker, drunkard,
banquet| {str: 8354, 8355}
Nm) )XW ()XW Sh-TH) —
Foundation: As a level place of
seating. [freq. 2] |kjv:
foundation, purpose| {str: 8356}
hm) )XWQ ()XWQMSh-TH)
— Feast: [Hebrew and
Aramaic] [freq. 47] |kjv: feast,
banquet, drink| {str: 4960, 4961}
M) 8 MW (8MWShYT) ac: Sit co:
Garment ab:?
V) 8MW (8MWShYT) — Sit:
To set or lay down. [freq. 85]
(vf: Paal, Hophal) |kjv: set,
made, lay, put, appoint, regard|
{str: 7896}
Nm) 8MW (8MWShYT) — I.
Garment: Colorful or special
garments for feasting or other
special activity. II. Thorn:
[Unknown connection to root]
[freq. 9] |kjv: garment, attire,
thorn| {str: 7897, 7898}

1483) +W (+WShGh) ac:? co:? ab:?
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