Parent and Child Roots - X
$X ($XTA) ac: Point co: Mark
ab: ?: The pictograph X is a picture of two
crossed sticks representing a mark. A
mark identifies locations used to mark out
a location. Two crossed sticks in the
shape of cross were used to hang the
family standard or flag. This parent root
is related to XE and JX.
A)$X ($XTA) ac:? co: Room ab:
Nm)$X ($XTA) — Room: As
a placed marked out. [freq. 13]
|kjv: chamber| {str: 8372}
qm)EX (EXT-AW) — Teo:
An unknown animal. [freq. 2]
|kjv: ox| {str: 8377}
H) )EX ()EX TAH) ac:? co:
V) )EX ()EX T-AH) —
Point:To identify a mark. [freq.
2] (vf: Piel) |kjv: point| {str:
K) EX (EX TAW)ac:? co:
Boundary ab:?
Nf1))JEX ()JEXTA-WH) —
Limit: As a marked out
boundary. [freq. 1] |kjv: bound|
{str: 8379}
&X (&XTB) ac:? co: Long ab:?
D)&EX (&EXTAB) ac:? co: Long
V) &EX (&EX T-AB) — I.
Long: To long for something. II.
Abhor: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Piel)
|kjv: long, abhor| {str: 8373,
Nf1))FEX ()FEXTA-BH) —
Longing: A longing for
something. [freq. 1] |kjv:
longing| {str: 8375}
1486) 'X ('XTG) ac:? co:? ab:?
1487) (X ((XTD) ac:? co:? ab:?
L)(XM ((XMYTD) ac:? co: Peg
ab: ?: A peg, nail or pin for securing
Nf)(XM ((XMY-TD) — Peg:
[freq. 24] |kjv: pin, nail, stake,
paddle| {str: 3489}
1488) )X ()XTH) ac: Ignore co: Waste
J))JX ()JXTWH) ac: Ignore co:
Waste ab:?
V))JX ()JXTWH) — Ignore:
To consider something of no
value, a waste. [freq. 1] (vf:
Hiphil) |kjv: limited| {str: 8428}
Nm) )JX ()JX TWH) —
Astonish: A feeling of waste.
[freq. 1] |kjv: astony| {str: 8429}
rm) *IJX (*IJX TW-HW) —
Waste: A barren place. Also
vanity as a state of waste. [ms:
wht] [freq. 20] |kjv: vain, vanity,
confusion, without, wilderness,
nought, nothing, empty, waste|
{str: 8414}