Adopted Roots (Three Letter) - Q
/SQ (/SQMAhK) ac: Crush
co:? ab: ?: [from: OS - pressing down
with the heel]
V) /SQ (/SQ M-AhK) —
Crush: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Pual) |kjv:
bruise, stuck, press| {str: 4600}
0 SQ (0SQ MAhL) ac:
Transgress co:? ab: Transgression:
[from: PS - work]
V) 0SQ (0SQ M-AhL) —
Transgress: To commit an
unintentioal or treacherous act that
results in error. [freq. 35] (vf: Paal)
|kjv: commit, trespass, transgress,
done| {str: 4603}
Nm) 0SQ (0SQ M-AhL) —
Transgression: An unintentional or
treacherous act that results in error.
[freq. 29] |kjv: trespass,
transgression, falsehood, grievously,
sore| {str: 4604}
,]Q (,]QMTsHh) ac: Hard
co: Forehead ab:?
Nm) ,]Q (,]Q M-TsHh) —
Forehead: As hard. [freq. 13] |kjv:
forehead, impudent, brow| {str:
Nf1))L]Q ()L]QMTs-HhH) —
Leg armor: As hard. [freq. 1] |kjv:
greave| {str: 4697}
'VQ ('VQ MRG) ac:? co:
Threshing sledge ab:?
gm) 'VJQ ('VJQ MW-RG) —
Threshing sledge: A wooden board
with imbedded stones on the bottom
side that is dragged over the
threshing floor by oxen to break open
grain. [freq. 3] |kjv: threshing| {str:
2352) (VQ ((VQMRD)ac: Rebel co:
?ab: Rebellion: [from: VQ - bitterness]
(eng: marauder; murder)
V)(VQ ((VQM-RD) — Rebel:
[freq. 25] (vf: Paal) |kjv: rebel,
rebellious, rebels| {str: 4775}
Nm) (VQ ((VQ M-RD) —
Rebellion: [Hebrew and Aramaic]
[freq. 4] |kjv: rebellion, rebellious|
{str: 4776, 4777, 4779}
Rebellion: [freq. 1] |kjv: rebellious|
{str: 4780}
2353) ,VQ (,VQMRHh) ac: Rub co:
?ab: ?: A poultice is made by crushing a
medicinal plant material and rubbing it
onto a wound. [from: VQ - rubbing]
V),VQ (,VQM-RHh) — Rub:
[freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv: plaister| {str:
cm) ,JVQ (,JVQ M-RWHh) —
Crushed: In the sense of being
rubbed. [freq. 1] |kjv: broken| {str:
2354) 9 VQ (9VQMRTh) ac: Rub co:?
ab: ?: Something that is polished or made
smooth by rubbing or plucking. [from:
VQ - rubbing]
V)9VQ (9VQM-RTh) — Rub: To
polish a sword by rubbing it. Also the
plucking of hair by rubbing it with a
sharp object. [Hebrew and Aramaic]
[freq. 10] (vf: Paal, Niphal) |kjv: