Adopted Roots (Three Letter) - R
Nm)4GR (4GRN-GP) — Striking:
A plague or other striking. [freq. 7]
|kjv: plague, stumbling| {str: 5063}
kf1) )TGRQ ()TGRQ MN-G-PH)
— Striking: A plague or other
striking. [freq. 26] |kjv: plague,
slaughter, stroke| {str: 4046}
6 GR (6GRNGR) ac: Pour co:? ab:
V) 6GR (6GRN-GR) — Pour: [freq.
10] (vf: Niphal, Hiphil, Hophal) |kjv:
pour, spill, fall, ran, trickle, shed|
{str: 5064}
7 GR (7GRNGSh) ac: Near co:?
V) 7GR (7GR N-GSh) — Come
near: [freq. 125] (vf: Paal, Niphal,
Hiphil, Hitpael, Hophal) |kjv: near,
come, nigh, bring, here, offer,
approach, forth| {str: 5066}
&HR (&HRNDB) ac: Offer co:
Offering ab: Honor: The offering of
something with a willing heart as a sign
of honor.
V) &HR (&HRN-DB) — Offer: To
offer something from a willing heart.
[Hebrew and Aramaic] [freq. 21] (vf:
Paal, Hitpael) |kjv: willingly, offer,
freely, freewill, offering| {str: 5068,
Nf1) )FHR ()FHR ND-BH) —
Offering: A freewill offering. [freq.
26] |kjv: freewill, offering, free,
willing, voluntary, plentiful,
willingly| {str: 5071}
bm) &MHR (&MHR N-DYB) — I.
Willing: II. Noble: One with a
willing heart. [freq. 28] |kjv: prince,
noble, willing, free, liberal| {str:
bf1))FMHR ()FMHRN-DY-BH) —
Honor: Of one with a willing heart.
[freq. 1] |kjv: soul| {str: 5082}
2381) ,HR (,HRNDHh) ac: Drive co:
?ab: ?: [from: HR - being tossed to and
V),HR (,HRN-DHh) — Drive:
To drive an axe through wood or to
drive someone or something out or
away. [freq. 52] (vf: Paal, Niphal,
Hiphil, Hophal, Pual, Participle) |kjv:
drive, out, away, outcast, cast,
banish, bring, astray, chase, compel,
down, expel| {str: 5080}
2382) 2 HR (2HRNDN) ac:? co: Sheath
ab: ?: A covering for a knife or sword.
Nm)2HR (2HRN-DN) — Sheath:
[freq. 1] |kjv: sheath| {str: 5084}
ef1) )RHMR ()RHMRNYD-NH) —
Body: As a sheath for the soul. [ms:
hndn] [freq. 1] |kjv: body| {str: 5085}
2383) 3 HR (3HRNDAh) ac:? co:? ab:
Knowledge: The inward sense of reason.
[from: SH]
am) 3HRQ (3HRQ MN-DAh) —
Knowledge: [Aramaic only] [freq. 4]
|kjv: knowledge, reason,
understanding| {str: 4486}
2384) 4 HR (4HRNDP)ac: Toss co:?
ab: ?: The back and forth falling of a leaf
as it falls from a tree. [from: HR - being
tossed to and fro]