
(Steven Felgate) #1
Adopted Roots (Three Letter) - T


  1. 0 GT (0GTPGL) ac:? co: Foul
    ab: ?: Something that stinks or is rotten.
    [from: GT - as being unfit]
    edm)0JGMT (0JGMTPY-GWL) —
    Foul:[ms: lwgplgp] [freq. 4] |kjv:
    abominable, abomination| {str: 6292}

  2. 3 GT (3GTPGAh)ac: Meet co:
    ?ab: Encounter: A chance meeting or
    encounter. [from: GT - meeting]
    V) 3GT (3GTP-GAh) — Meet:
    To come together in meeting by
    chance. Also to give or place as a
    meeting. [freq. 46] (vf: Paal, Hiphil)
    |kjv: fall, meet, reach, intercession,
    intreat, entreat, light| {str: 6293}
    Nm) 3GT (3GT P-GAh) —
    Encounter: A chance meeting. [freq.
    2] |kjv: occurrence, chance| {str:
    hm)3GTQ (3GTQMP-GAh) —
    Target: As the person met or place
    of meeting. [freq. 1] |kjv: mark| {str:

  3. 6 GT (6GTPGR)ac: Faint co:
    Carcass ab: ?: [from: GT - as being
    V)6GT (6GTP-GR) — Faint: To
    faint as though dead. [freq. 2] (vf:
    Piel) |kjv: faint| {str: 6296}
    Nm)6GT (6GTP-GR) — Carcass:
    A dead body. [freq. 22] |kjv: carcass,
    dead, corpse| {str: 6297}

2594) 7 GT (7GTPGSh)ac: Meet co:?
ab: ?: [from: GT - meeting]
V)7GT (7GTP-GSh) — Meet:
[freq. 14] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Piel) |kjv:
meet| {str: 6298}

2595) 3 HT (3HTPDAh) ac: Redeem
co:? ab: ?: [from: HT]
V) 3HT (3HT P-DAh) —
Redeem: [freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv:
deliver| {str: 6308}

2596) 6 HT (6HTPDR)ac:? co: Fat
Nm) 6HT (6HT P-DR) — Fat:
[freq. 3] |kjv: fat| {str: 6309}

2597) 6 ^T (6^TPZR) ac: Scatter co:
?ab: ?: [from: ]T]
V)6^T (6^TP-ZR) — Scatter:
[freq. 10] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Pual,
Piel, Participle) |kjv: scatter, disperse|
{str: 6340}

2598) (LT ((LTPHhD) ac: Shake
co: Thigh ab: Fear: The shaking and
trembling of one afraid or in reverence.
V)(LT ((LTP-HhD) — Fear:
[freq. 25] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Piel) |kjv:
fear, afraid, awe, shake| {str: 6342}
Nm) (LT ((LT P-HhD) — I.
Thigh: As shaking when frightened.
II. Fear: [freq. 50] |kjv: fear, dread,
terror, stone| {str: 6343, 6344}
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