
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - E

One who evokes the dead, a
ghost, possibly from their
mumbling like the sound of wine
poured out of the wineskin.
[freq. 17] |kjv: bottle, familiar
spirit| {str: 178}
L)&EM (&EMYAB) ac: Desire co:
?ab: ?: The firm standing of the tent
V) &EM (&EM Y-AB) —
Desire:A standing firm for what
is desired. [freq. 1] (vf: Paal)
|kjv: long| {str: 2968}
M)&ME (&ME AYB) ac: Hostile
co: Spear ab: Enemy: The tent pole
is pointed at one end and doubles as a
spear which can be used against an
enemy to defend (also a support of)
the family.
V) &ME (&ME AYB) —
Hostile: To be hostile to another
as an enemy. [freq. 1] (vf: Paal)
|kjv: enemy| {str: 340}
Nf1))FME ()FMEAY-BH) —
Hostility: [freq. 5] |kjv: enemy,
hatred| {str: 342}
gm)&MJE (&MJEAW-YB) —
Enemy: [ms: bya] [freq. 282]
|kjv: enemy, foe| {str: 341}

  1. 'E ('EAG) ac:? co:? ab:?

  2. (E ((EAD) ac:? co: Smoke
    ab: ?: (eng: wood)
    A)(E ((EAD) ac:? co: Mist ab:
    ?:An overwhelming abundance of
    ash raked in the fire causing a cloud
    of dust.
    Nm)(E ((EAD) — Mist: A
    misty vapor. [freq. 2] |kjv: mist,
    vapor| {str: 108}

J) (JE ((JE AWD) ac:? co:
Charcoal ab: ?: The abundant
remnants of charred wood from a fire
that is raked together causing a cloud
of ash.
Nm) (JE ((JE AWD) —
Charcoal:The wood remnants
of a fire. [freq. 3] |kjv: firebrand,
brand, because, cause,
concerning| {str: 181}
— Because: A turning over and
bringing together of a thought.
[ms: twda] [freq. 11] |kjv: very,
greatly, sore, exceedingly, great,
much, diligently, good, might|
{str: 182}
km) (JEQ ((JEQM-AWD)
— Many: An abundance of
things (many, much, great),
action (complete, wholly, strong,
quick) or character (very). [ms:
dam] [freq. 299] |kjv: very,
greatly, sore, exceedingly, great,
much, diligently, good, might|
{str: 3966}
M)(ME ((MEAYD) ac:? co:
Heap ab: ?: A pile of charred wood
and ash as the remnants of a fire.
Nm) (ME ((ME AYD) —
Heap: A pile of rubble from a
fire or other calamity. [freq. 24]
|kjv: calamity, destruction| {str:

1005) )E ()EAH) ac: Sigh co: Sigher
ab: Where: The pictograph E represents
strength of the ox. The I is one looking
at a great sight and sighing. Combined
they mean "a strong sigh". This can be a
sigh when searching as when the ox
snorts when desiring food. This root is
closely related to EI. (eng: ah; woe)
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