Parent and Child Roots - F
Aramaic] [freq. 39] |kjv:
understanding, wisdom,
knowledge, meaning, perfectly,
understand| {str: 998, 999}
Adopted Roots;
2303 2FP White
1038) <F (<F BS) ac: Trample co:
Corral ab: ?: The corral or pen is used
for storing livestock.
C) <FE (<FEABS) ac: Feed co:
Fat ab: ?: Livestock chosen for
slaughter are placed in pens and fed
to make them.
V) <FE (<FEA-BS) — Fat:
[freq. 2] (vf: Paal) |kjv: fatted,
stalled| {str: 75}
dm)<JFE (<JFEA-BWS) —
Manger: A feeding trough.
[freq. 3] |kjv: crib| {str: 18}
adm) <JFEQ (<JFEQ MA-
BWS) — Granary: A place for
storing feed. [freq. 1] |kjv:
storehouse| {str: 3965}
J)<JF (<JFBWS) ac: Trample co:
?ab: ?: The ground inside the stall is
heavily trampled by the livestock and
made hard and compact.
V)<JF (<JFBWS) — Tread:
[freq. 12] (vf: Paal, Hophal) |kjv:
tread, loathe| {str: 947}
if1) )\JFX ()\JFXT-BW-SH)
— Trampled: To be destroyed
by being tread upon. [freq. 1]
|kjv: destruction| {str: 8395}
kf1) )\JFQ ()\JFQ M-BW-
SH) — Trampled: [freq. 3] |kjv:
tread down, tread under foot|
{str: 4001}
Adopted Roots;
2044 <WF Trample
2249 <FO Wash
2251 7FO Subdue, Footstool
- 3 F (3F BAh)ac: Swell co:
Springab: ?: A gushing over or swelling
up as an eruption or a fountain.
A) 3 F (3FBAh) ac: Swell co:
Heap ab:?
fm) -SF (-SF B-AhY) —
Heap: A mound of dirt over a
grave. [freq. 1] |kjv: grave| {str:
C) 3 FE (3FEABAh)ac: Swell
co: Boils ab:?
ldf1) )SJFSFE
Boils: A swelling on the skin.
[freq. 2] |kjv: blains| {str: 76}
H))SF ()SFBAhH)ac: Swell
co:? ab:?
V) )SF ()SFB-AhH) — I.
Swell: II. Request: For a
swelling desire. [Hebrew and
Aramaic] [ar: aeb] [freq. 17]
(vf: Paal, Niphal) |kjv: boil,
swelling, seek, enquire, ask,
desire, pray, request| {str: 1156,
J) 3 JF (3JFBWAh) ac: Swell co:
Springab: ?: A swelling up of water
from the ground.
am) 3JFQ (3JFQ M-BWAh)
— Spring: [freq. 3] |kjv:
fountain| {str: 4002}
Adopted Roots;
2370 3FR Belch
- 4 F (4FBP) ac:? co:? ab:?