Majnoni, G. 48
Malkiel, B.G. 108, 111
Mallows, C.L. 148
Mandal, K. 103
Manganelli, S. 48, 54, 57, 66, 67
Mann, C. 108
manufacturing 57, 63, 64, 65
market frictions 33, 35–7
market indices 331–51
market risk 69, 83
market value 167–8
marking to market 206–7
marking to model 206–7
Markowitz, H. 194, 241, 243, 265
Martens, M. 305
Martin, J.S. 108
Masulis, R.W. 305
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
techniques 3–4
MC1 control charts 248, 252, 254–8
McNeal, A.J. 48
mean absolute error 234–5, 236
mean excess function (MEF) plot 7–8,
12, 14
mean square error (MSE) 12, 15
mean-variance optimization models
265–6, 276
Meckling, W.H. 283
Meier, I. 281
Mele, A. 87, 90–1
Meneu, V. 311, 317
Merrill Lynch 208
Merton, R.C. 23, 109, 110, 124, 192, 194
credit pricing model and stochastic
volatility 112–14, 127–8
Merton-style credit risk models
132–6, 142–3, 150
Michaud, R.O. 265–6
MIDCAC index 331–51
Miller, M.H. 280
Mills, T.C. 88
minimal equivalent martingale
measure 113–14, 126
misspecification indicators 344–5
model-building process 199–201
model calibration 200
model selection/creation 199–200
model usage 200–1
model error 164
model-implied calibration 354–5
model misspecification 359, 360–1
model risk 191–212, 355
case study 201–3
examples and consequences 193
illustration 195–7
model-building process and model
risk creation 199–201
rules for managing 203–10;
correlations 210; define a
model-testing framework 205–6;
define what should be a good
model 204; exotic derivatives
209–10; keeping track of models in
use 204–5; marking to market
206–7; regular revision of models
206; simplicity 207–8; stress
testing of models 209; use a
model for its purpose 209;
verification of data 208
model selection 199–200
and its impact on hedging
derivatives 353–64
model-testing framework 205–6
model usage 200–1, 204
model validation team 205
Modigliani–Miller (MM) paradigm
281, 282
monotonicity 28
Monte Carlo simulation 87
comparison of multivariate and
simultaneous control charts
forecasting interest rate term
structure 98–102; Bollinger bands
99; empirical results 99–102, 103
Moreno, M. 70, 74
Mossin, J. 278
motivation, economic 29–30
Moudoulaud, O. 8, 9
Moustakides, G.V. 249
moving average specification 266
Muirhead, R.J. 259
multifactor models
intensity-based 143–6
interest rate term structure 93
multiple VaR levels 216–17
multivariate CUSUM (MCUSUM)
control charts 249, 252, 254–8
multivariate EWMA (MEWMA) control
charts 250–1, 254–8, 259
multivariate GARCH models
time-varying return correlations and
the efficient set of portfolios
volatility spillovers in Europe 330–1
volatility transmission between USA
and Spain 303–26