Introduction to Corporate Finance

(avery) #1
Ross et al.: Fundamentals
of Corporate Finance, Sixth
Edition, Alternate Edition

(^20) Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
We owe a special thanks to Cheryl Etling of the
University of Tampa. Cheri worked on the many sup-
plements that accompany this book, including the In-
structor’s Manual, Transparency Acetates, PowerPoint
Presentation System, and Ready Notes. Cheri also
worked with us to develop the Annotated Instructor’s
Edition of the text which, along with Instructor’s Man-
ual, contains a wealth of teaching notes.
We also thank Joseph C. Smolira of Belmont Univer-
sity for his work on this edition. Joe worked closely with
us to develop the many vignettes and real-world exam-
ples we have added to this edition. We owe a special
thank you to Thomas H. Eyssell of the University of
Missouri. Tom has continued his exceptional work on
our supplements by creating the Student Problem Man-
ual for this edition. In addition, we would like to thank
David R. Kuipers at Texas Tech University for creating
the self-study questions on the Self-Study CD-ROM, as
well as revising, reorganizing, and extending the very
extensive testbank available with Fundamentals.
The following University of Kentucky doctoral stu-
dents did outstanding work on this edition of Funda-
mentals:Steven D. Dolvin and Michael J. Highfield.
To them fell the unenviable task of technical proof-
reading, and in particular, careful checking of each cal-
culation throughout the text and Instructor’s Manual.
Finally, in every phase of this project, we have been
privileged to have had the complete and unwavering
support of a great organization, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
We especially thank the McGraw-Hill/Irwin sales or-
ganization. The suggestions they provide, their pro-
fessionalism in assisting potential adopters, and the
service they provide to current adopters have been a
major factor in our success.
We are deeply grateful to the select group of profes-
sionals who served as our development team on this
edition: Michele Janicek, Sponsoring Editor; Erin
Riley, Development Editor II; Rhonda Seelinger, Exec-
utive Marketing Manager; Jean Lou Hess, Senior Proj-
ect Manager; Pam Verros, Senior Designer; and Rose
Hepburn, Production Supervisor. Others at McGraw-
Hill/Irwin, too numerous to list here, have improved
the book in countless ways.
Throughout the development of this edition, we
have taken great care to discover and eliminate errors.
Our goal is to provide the best textbook available on
the subject. To ensure that future editions are error free,
we gladly offer $10 per arithmetic error to the first in-
dividual reporting it as a modest token of our appreci-
ation. More than this, we would like to hear from
instructors and students alike. Please write and tell us
how to make this a better text. Forward your comments
to: Dr. Brad Jordan, c/o Editorial—Finance, McGraw-
Hill/Irwin, 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, IL
60527 or visit our web page at http://www.mhhe.
Stephen A. Ross
Randolph W. Westerfield
Bradford D. Jordan
Richard Roll
University of California at
Los Angeles
Clifford W. Smith, Jr.
University of Rochester
Charles W. Smithson
Rutter Associates
Samuel C. Weaver
Lehigh University

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