Front endpapers Plan of Illiers and The Country round Illiers
Between pages ,68 and ,
(Volume I)
, Portrait of Proust by Jacques-Emile Blanche, ,892.
2 Portrait of Dr Adrien Proust by Lecomte du Nouy, ,885.
3 Mme Adrien Proust, Proust's mother.
4 Adele Weil, Proust's grandmother.
5 Marcel and Robert Proust.
6 Aunt Amiot's house at Illiers.
7 Marie de Benardaky.
8 Laure Hayman.
9 Portrait of Comte Robert de Montesquiou by Boldini, ,897.
'0 Charles Haas with Mme Straus, Albert Cave and Emile Straus.
" Mme Proust with Marcel and Robert Proust.
'2 Proust with Robert de Flers and Lucien Daudet.
'3 Comtesse Elisabeth Greffulhe.
'4 Comtesse Laure de Chevigne.
'5 Reynaldo Hahn at work.
,6 Guests at the Villa Bassaraba, Amphion.
'7 Comte Gabriel de la Rochefoucauld.
,8 Portrait of Armand, Due de Guiche, by Jacques-Emile Blanche.
'9 Louisa de Mornand.
20 Portrait of Prince Leon (Loche) de Radziwill by Boutet de Monval.