xxiv Introduction
Project Description
For Loop Demonstrates using a For... Next loop to display text in a TextBox control,
and using the Chr function to create a wrap character.
For Loop Icons Uses a global counter variable in an event procedure as an alternative to loops.
This program also displays images by using a PictureBox control.
Timed Password Demonstrates how to use a Timer control to create a logon program with
a password time-out feature.
Windows Version
Shows how to use the Insert Snippet command to display the current version of
Windows running on a user’s computer.
Chapter 8
Debug Test A simulated debugging problem, designed to be solved using the Visual Studio
debugging tools.
Chapter 9
Disc Drive Error Crashes when a CD or DVD drive is used incorrectly. This project is used as the
basis of a Visual Basic error handler.
Disc Drive
Completed error handler for loading files that demonstrates the Try... Catch
Chapter 10
Text Box Sub A general-purpose Sub procedure that adds items to a list box.
Track Wins A clean version of the Lucky7 slot machine project from Chapter 2, which you
enhance by using public variables and a function that computes the game’s
win rate.
Chapter 11
Array Class Sorts Shows how to create and manipulate large integer arrays. Demonstrates the
Array.Sort and Array.Reverse methods and how to use a ProgressBar control to
give the user visual feedback during long sorts.
Dynamic Array Computes the average temperature for any number of days by using
a dynamic array.
Fixed Array Computes the average weekly temperature by using a fixed-length array.
Chapter 12
Uses a For Each... Next loop and the Visual Studio Controls collection to move
objects on a form.
URL Collection Demonstrates a user-defined collection containing a list of Uniform Resource
Locators (URLs), or Web addresses, recently visited by the user.
Chapter 13
Encrypt Text Demonstrates the Chr, Asc, Length, Substring, and FileExists methods, as well
as a simple encryption scheme to jumble the text in files. Teaches useful
text-processing techniques.
Quick Note A simple note-taking utility that demonstrates the Clock.LocalTime property;
the WriteAllText method; and the TextBox, MenuStrip, and SaveFileDialog