250 Part II Programming Fundamentals
The Method Name list box indicates that the general declarations section of the
module is open. Variables and procedures declared in this section are available to the
entire project. (You’ll try declaring variables and procedures later .)
- Double-click the Solution Explorer title bar to undock the Solution Explorer window.
As shown previously, Solution Explorer lists the module you added to the program in
the list of components for the project. The name Module1 identifies the default file
name of the module. You’ll change this file name in the following steps.
- Select Module1 .vb in the Solution Explorer.
- Double-click the Properties window title bar to undock it.
The Properties window displays the properties for Module1 .vb, as shown here:
Because a module contains only code, it has only a few properties. By using the most
significant property, File Name, you can create a custom file name for the module to
describe its purpose. Give this identifying label some thought because later you might
want to incorporate your module into another solution. The remaining properties for
the module are useful for more sophisticated projects—you don’t need to worry about
them now.
- Change the File Name property to Math Functions.vb or another file name that
sounds impressive, and then press ENTER. (I’m granting you considerable leeway here
because this project is simply for testing purposes—you won’t actually create math
functions or any other “content” for the module, and later you’ll discard it .)
The file name for your module is updated in the Properties window, Solution Explorer,
and the Code Editor.