Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Tina Meador) #1

6 Part I Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

Tip In the Open Project dialog box, you see a number of storage locations along the left side
of the window. The Projects folder under Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 is particularly useful.
By default, Visual Studio saves your programming projects in this Projects folder, giving each
project its own subfolder. We’ll use a different projects folder to organize your programming
coursework, however, as you’ll learn below. Additional locations, such as Favorites and Libraries,
will also be available to you, depending on how your computer and operating system has been
configured. (The screen shots in this book show Windows 7 .)

  1. Browse to the C:\Vb10sbs folder on your hard disk.

The C:\Vb10sbs folder is the default location for this book’s extensive sample file
collection, and you’ll find the files there if you followed the instructions in the section
entitled “Installing and Using the Practice Files” in the Introduction. If you didn’t install
the sample files, close this dialog box and install them now by using the CD included
with this book.

  1. Open the Chap01\Musictrivia folder, and then double-click the MusicTrivia solution file.
    (If your system shows file name extensions, this file will end with .sln .)
    Visual Studio loads the MusicTrivia form, properties, and program code for the
    MusicTrivia solution. The Start Page may still be visible in the center of the screen.
    In the upper-right corner of the screen, Solution Explorer lists some of the files
    in the solution.

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