Chapter 19 Data Presentation Using the DataGridView Control 469
If you don’t see the Faculty2010 database connection, click the New Connection
button, and then browse to the Faculty2010 .accdb file, located in the C:\Vb10sbs\
Chap18 folder. (Detailed steps for establishing this connection are given in Chapter 18,
if you’d like additional information .)
- With the Faculty2010 .accdb connection selected, click Next.
The wizard asks whether you want to save your connection string.
- Click Next to save the string in the default location (your project’s configuration file).
You are now prompted to select the database objects that you want to use for this
particular project. Remember that the Data Source Configuration Wizard allows you
to pick and choose database tables and columns at this point—you can select all the
objects in the database or just a subset.
- Expand the Tables node and the Faculty table to see the lengthy list of fields in the
database that contain faculty employee information. - Select the ID, Last Name, First Name, E-mail Address, Faculty ID, Department, Faculty
Type, and Business Phone fields.
Although this Access database has been designed to contain all sorts of information
about school employees, you only want to extract these specific fields for the exercise
you’re completing.