Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Tina Meador) #1

502 Part IV Database and Web Programming

  1. Double-click the TextBox control on the Standard tab of the Toolbox to create a text
    box object at the insertion point on the Web page.
    Notice the asp:textbox#TextBox1 text that appears above the text box object. The “asp”
    prefix indicates that this object is an ASP .NET server control. (This text disappears when
    you run the program .)

  2. Click the right side of the text box object to place the insertion point at the outside
    edge, and then press ENTER.

  3. Double-click the TextBox control again to add a second text box object to the
    Web page.

  4. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to create a third text box object below the second text box.

Now you’ll use the Label control to insert labels that identify the purpose of the text

  1. Click to the right of the first text box object to place the insertion point at the right
    edge of the text box.

  2. Press the SPACEBAR key twice to add two blank spaces, and then double-click the Label
    control in the Toolbox to add a label object to the Web page.

  3. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to add label objects to the right of the second and third text boxes.

  4. Click to the right of the third label object to place the insertion point to the right of the
    label, and then press ENTER.

  5. Double-click the Button control to create a button object at the bottom of the Web page.

The Button control, like the TextBox and Label controls, is very similar to its Windows
Forms counterpart. Your screen looks like this:
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