relational (or comparison) operators 539
PrintPreviewDialog control
adding, 430–33
purpose, 111
Private keyword, 403, 412
procedure statements, in Sub
procedures, 262
procedures. See also Sub procedures
click, 56–58
creating, 255–56
defined, 53
Function, calling, 258, 271
Function, defined, 255
general-purpose, 256
overview, 53
sharing, 247–48
Sub, defined, 255
Process class, 93
Process .Start method,
feature of, 93
processing elements in arrays, 295
program code
automatic additions by
Visual Basic, 55
comments in, 86
error messages, 55
executing one line of, 225
identifying elements by color, 55
opening hidden forms with, 373
writing, 65
program crashes, 227
program statements. See also code
Basic Math program, 145–47
defined, 53, 89, 123
entering in Code Editor, 52–56
executing, 208
overview, 53
procedures and, 53
sequencing numbers
by using, 207
setting properties using, 57
syntax in, 53
program style, 54
defensive techniques, 243
event-driven, 159–60
steps for new projects, 38
programming languages available
in Visual Studio, 4, 38
programs. See also specific
adding controls to, 110–11
adding new forms to, 373
adding toolbars to, 109, 119
closing, 13
closing without saving, 251–52
compiling, 34
Data Types, 137–41
errors in, creating, 245
reloading, 63–64
running, 11–13, 258–61
saving, 56, 65
skeleton, 127
stopping, 72
using standard dialog
boxes in, 120
Visual Basic, creating with no user
interface, 374
progress bar, 290–91, 296
project files, 7
Project Location dialog box, 72
project settings, checking, 31–33
projects. See also specific projects
creating, 40–44, 68
opening, 4–6, 34
opening, troubleshooting, 7
programming steps for
new, 38
reloading, 65
saving, 72–73
with more than one form, 140
Projects folders, 6
prompting user for information,
properties. See also property
adding to Watch window, 226
animating objects by using,
Boolean, 51
changing at run time, 71, 95
creating, 404–05
creating in classes, 412
defined, 90
descriptive label, setting, 48–49
for moving objects, 380
for picture boxes, setting, 49–51
names of, double-clicking, 51
number label, setting, 47–48
overview, 13
setting, 34, 45–47
setting at design time, 13
setting for data grid view objects,
setting for object variables, 413
setting, for Web pages, 503
tables of, reading, 51
viewing, 13
Properties window
categories in, 14–15
customizing color settings
with, 114
displaying, 45
location in IDE, 8
Object list, 13
organization of, 14, 46
overview, 13–16
property settings
changing, 14–16, 45
defined, 13
protecting text with basic
encryption, 336–40
providers, 448
public arrays, 295. See also arrays
public functions, creating, 270
Public keyword, 142, 275
public Sub procedures, 271
public variables
creating, 270
declaring in modules, 140,
251, 253–55
form variables vs ., 255
Publish command, 62, 65
Query Builder, creating SQL
statements with, 461–66
Quick Note program
examining code in, 326
folder location, 323
running, 323–25
quotation marks, with text
strings, 128
Radio Button program
creating, 82–83
folder location, 84
running, 84
radio buttons
creating, 82–83
defined, 81
RadioButton control, 81–82
random number computation, 57
Randomize function, 59
Randomize statement, 63–64
ReadAllText method, 315–21
ReadLine method, 317, 345
ReadOnly property, 486–87
Rebuild command, 61, 65
receiving input in specified
format, 179
records, in databases, 442
ReDim Preserve statement,
ReDim statement, dimensioning
with variables, 284
arrays, 295
for three-dimensional
arrays, 288
relational (or comparison)
operators, 161, 330–31