540 relational databases
relational databases, 443
relative path names, 89
release builds, executable file type
in Visual Studio, 60–61
reloading programs, 63–64
reloading projects, 63–65
remainder division operator (Mod),
143, 148
breakpoints, 224–26
columns, 476, 488
form files, 354
modules, 250, 270
objects, 179
objects on Web pages, 522
Replace method, 332
button objects, 42
forms, 40
graphics, 49
objects, 42, 65
tool windows, 19, 34
forms at run time, 374
hidden windows, 17
Return statements, 257
reversing, order of an
array, 295
RichTextBox control (Toolbox)
managing print requests with,
spacing and formatting
options of, 185
RichTextBox object, loading text
files into, 437
Rnd function, 57
changing color of, 481, 489
in data tables, 442
programs, 11–13
Visual Basic from IDE, 58
WebLink program, 94–95
Windows applications with
Windows Explorer, 61
run-time errors
correction of, 151
defensive programming
techniques, 243
defined, 150, 210
detecting, processing, 244
preventing, 171
program crashes, 227
solving, 211
testing for multiple, 237–39
throwing, 239
variables to track, 240–42
Save All button (Standard toolbar),
65, 72
Save All command (File menu),
56, 65
Save As dialog box,
displaying, 345
Save Data button, function
of, 485
Save New Projects When Created
check box, 31
SaveFileDialog control, 110
delayed, 31, 40
form files, 65
programming environment
settings, 22
programs, 56, 65
projects, 31
user input, 130–32
SByte data type, 136
schema file, XML, 443, 451
of arrays, 274
of variables, 128, 189–90
scroll bars
in list boxes, 84
in text boxes, 313
in the Designer, 40
ScrollBars property, 183
scrolling, faster, 407
search box, in Help files, 28
Search Criteria Builder dialog box,
Second (date) method,
description, 107
Select Case decision structures
comparison (or relational)
operators with, 173–77
defined, 87
event procedures, 140
syntax, 171–72, 179
Select Case keywords, 172
Select Case program
adding mouse event handler,
folder location, 176
processing inputs from list box,
running, 176–77
Select Resource dialog box, 49
SelectedIndex property,
85–86, 176
SelectedIndexChanged event
procedure, 86. See also event
sequential files, 317
server controls
adding to Web pages, 501–02
described, 493
overview, 493
servers, 495
SetBounds method, 380
breakpoints, 225
properties, 34
time limits, 200–03
default print settings, 427
saving programming
environment, 22
creating lines, rectangles, and
ellipses, 378–80
creating on forms, 390
filling with color, 377
sharing, variables and procedures,
ShellSort Sub procedures, 332,
Short data type, 136–37
shortcut icons, creating, 61
shortcut keys
assigning to menu items, 119
assigning to menus, 117–18
defined, 117
hiding, 118
testing, 118–19
ShortcutKeys property, 117, 119
Show method
switching between forms, 373
to open forms, 357
ShowDialog method
displaying Open dialog box, 113
opening dialog boxes, 112–13
switching between forms, 373
ShowHelp property, 114
shrinking objects at run time, 391
Sign(n) method, 152
Simonyi, Charles, 130
simultaneous declaring/ assigning
variables, 190
Sin(n) method, 152
Single data type, 136
Size structure, 364
SizeMode property (Behavior
category), 49
startup forms on desktop, 374
windows, 19
skeleton programs, 127
smart tag buttons, 50, 107–08
snapline grids, 42
snippets. See code snippets
SolidColorOnly property, 114