542 Text Box Sub program
protecting with basic encryption,
sorting, 329–30
Text Box Sub program
creating, 264–67
folder location, 267
managing input with Sub
procedures, 264–68
running, 267–68
text boxes
creating, 70, 95
displaying text by using, 313
input function of, 78
Location, Solution Name, 40
multiline, size limits of, 185
overview, 70
processing lines in, 332
sorting strings in, 331–36
Text Browser program
examining code in, 320–21
folder location, 319
running, 317–19
text files
creating new on disk, 321
defined, 313
loading into RichTextBox
object, 437
multipage, printing, 424
opening and displaying, My
namespace, 315–16
opening and displaying,
StreamReader class, 316–17
opening with FileStream class, 437
reading, 313–14
writing, 321, 346
Text properties, changing
for descriptive labels, 48–49
for number labels, 48
with For Each... Next loops,
text strings
combining, 157
formatting with carriage returns,
tab characters, 295
TextAlign property (Appearance
category), 47
TextBox control
assigning values to variables,
using counter variables in
multiline text, 183–85
using with Web pages, 502
Throw statements, 239, 245
time, setting system,
in Windows, 104
Timed Password program
folder location, 202
setting password time limits, 200
settings for, table, 200–01
testing, 202–03
Timer control
described, 196
settings for, 198
using, 197–99
timer objects
creating animation by using,
uses for, 200, 203
TimeString property, 104, 107
title bars, on Web pages, 92, 522
To keyword, 173, 182, 207
toggles, 100
tool windows
auto hiding, 17
closing, 17
docking, 17, 19–21, 34
hiding, 21–22, 34
moving, 17–19, 34
resizing, 19, 34
restoring hidden, 17
adding to programs, 119
creating, 107–10
creating with ToolStrip
control, 109
Debug, displaying, 225
Formatting, 499–500
moving and deleting
buttons on, 110
navigation, 456–57
viewing a list of, 8
Toolbox. See also specific controls
location in IDE, 8
organization of controls, 41
Web Page Designer, 498
as tabbed documents, 8
switching between, 22–23, 34
viewing, 8
Visual Studio, 7–9
Toolstrip control, 103
ToolStrip control, 107–10
Top property, 380
ToString method, 75
TrackWins program
opening, 252
running, 261
win rate function, creating,
transparency, changing for
forms, 388–90
Transparent Form program
folder location, 389
setting Opacity property, 388–90
trashing files, 336
troubleshooting opening projects, 7
Try... Catch code blocks
error handlers, 236
exiting, 245
nested, in error handlers, 242
syntax, 229
trapping errors with (Disc Drive
Error program example),
using Finally clause with, 234
writing nested, 245
Type Here tag, 98–99
typed datasets, 451
UBound function, 280
UDTs (user-defined data type), 141
Ulnteger data type, 136
ULong data type, 136
unhandled exceptions, 232
Unicode, 330
Until keyword, in Do loops,
196, 208
UpdateAll method, 487
updating databases, 485–87, 489
upgrading from Visual Basic 2008,
upper and lower bounds, specifying
in public arrays, 302, 295
URL Collection program
creating collections, 305–06
folder location, 307
running, 307–09
user interfaces. See also forms
creating, 40–44, 64
elements. See properties
User Validation program
adding password protection,
controlling user input, 164–67
user-defined data types (UDTs), 141
UShort data type, 136
validator controls, 509
value, assigning
to arrays, 278–79, 295
while declaring variables, 190, 207
Variable Test program, 126–30
adding to Watch window, 225
Autos window to view, 225
changing values of, 127–30, 156
counter, 182–85
declared, hiding in classes, 412
declaring, 156
declaring class, 403–04