Web sites 543
declaring, in Dim statement,
Decrypt string, 344
defined, 89, 124
described, 247–48
displaying contents of, 133–35
examining in Code Editor, 225
implicit declaration of, 126–27
length of names, 130
modifying with the Immediate
window, 222–23
naming conventions, 130
public or global, 140
required compiler setting for
declaring, 32
sharing, 247–48
storage size of, 135
string, 125
tracking run-time errors with,
validating, 139
variants, 125
vbCr constant, 206
vbCrLF constant, 282
View Code button, 54, 65
View Designer, 54
View Menu, 8
code, 11
properties, 13
Web sites, 505–08
Visible property (Behavior
category), 49–51
Visual Basic. See also Visual Studio
accessing Help files for, 28
adding code automatically, 55
applications, deploying, 62
checking compiler settings, 32–33
comments in, 57
compiler, defined, 53
design mode, 42
determining version, 7
equivalents to String Class
elements, 327–29
error messages, 55
identifying elements by color, 55
Input Controls program, 78–79
line continuation character (_), 75
memory allocation for arrays, 276
program statements in, 53,
programs, creating with no user
interface, 374
random number computation
in, 57
running from IDE, 58
running programs from
Web server, 91
Visual Basic 2008 vs Visual
Basic 2010, common control
changes, 67
Visual Basic for Applications,
309–10, 312
visual feedback during
calculations, 296
Visual Studio. See also Visual Basic
checking compiler settings in,
configuring for Visual Basic
development, 34
creating and running Web
sites in, 495
default settings, 29–30
deployment overview, 62–63
displaying list box of
properties, 71
executable file types,
creating in, 60
exiting, 33, 35
Help documentation in, 24–25
Help topic locations in, 28
icons, bitmaps, and animation
files in, 186
programming languages available
in, 4, 38
programs, stopping in, 72
running programs in, 12
starting, 4–5
starting Visual Studio, 34
tools, 7–9
Web browser, opening, 23–24
Web sites, running
and testing, 522
Visual Studio 2008, Help
documentation in, 24–25
Visual Web Developer
creating Web sites, 491
deploying Web sites with, 508
displaying database tables, 512
download location, 496
displaying information with, 226
types of, overview, 220
vTab constant, 282
Watch windows
adding variables, properties,
expressions to, 218–19, 225
displaying, 226
opening, 218
overview, 217
Web Browser command (Other
Windows submenu), 23
Web forms environment, data
access in, 488
Web Page Designer
described, 498–500
Design mode vs. Source mode,
switching between, 522
Design tab, 497
gridline color, changing, 481
page views in, 497
positioning controls in, 501
Source tab, 497
Split tab, 497
Web pages
adding text in Web Page
Designer, 498–500
changing names of
objects on, 522
components, 468, 501
controls, adding, 522
customizing, 509–11
displaying, 94
displaying database
records on, 522
displaying title on Internet
Explorer title bar, 92, 522
entering text on, 522
formatting text on, 522
Gridview control, adding,
hyperlinks, adding, 516–17
linking to other pages, 522
server controls, adding,
setting properties, 503
validating input fields, 509
validator controls, 522
viewing HTML code in, 522
viewing HTML for, 500
Windows Forms vs ., 493
writing event procedures for
controls, 504–05
Web server, running Visual Basic
programs, 91
Web sites
adding pages for database
information, 512–13
adding pages to, 509
ASP .NET, creating, 522
building and viewing, 505–08
components, 468
creating, 496
creating with Visual Web
Developer, 491
deploying, 508
in Visual Studio, running and
testing, 522
locations for creating and running
in Visual Studio 2010, 495