544 Web .config file
setting title in Internet Explorer
title bar, 92, 519–21
testing (Car Loan Calculator
example), 517–19
Web .config file, 506
WebLink program
creating, 91–94
folder location, 94
running, 94–95
Weekday (date) function, 107
While keyword, 196
Width property, expanding,
shrinking picture box at run
time, 386
win rate function, creating,
windows. See also tool windows
docking, 8
floating, 19
minimizing, maximizing,
restoring, 364
switching between types of, 21
Windows applications and
executable file types, 61
Windows Clipboard, pasting text
from, 324
Windows Explorer, running
Windows applications with, 61
Windows Forms Application, 39
Windows Forms controls, 67
Windows Forms Designer vs Web
Page Designer, 498
Windows Forms vs Web pages, 493
Windows Installer, 63
Windows metafiles, 112
Windows taskbar, 8
Windows Version Snippet program,
Windows, running programs in, 61
WindowState property, 364
Word macros, compatibility
between versions, 309–10
Wrap keyword, 184
WriteAllText method, 321–23
conditional expressions, 179
event handlers, 179
event handlers, disc drive, 233
event procedures (Color button
example), 113–14
program code, 65
XCOPY installation, 62
displaying during debugging
sessions, 226
schema file, 443, 451
visualizers, 220
Xor (logical operator)
encrypting text by using the,
encrypting text with,
encrypting with, 347
meaning, 167
Xor Encryption program
examining the code of,
folder location, 341
running, 341–42
Year (date) function, 107
zero, division by, 145, 171
Zoom In program
folder location, 388
loading, 386–88