A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


And still new beauties meet his lonely walk,
And loves unfelt attract him. Not a brt:eze
Flies o'er the meadow, not a cloud imbibes
The ~~etting sun's effulgence, not a attain
From all the tenants of the warbliug shade
.A.ecends, but whence hie bosom can p:1rta.ks
Fresh pleasure, unreproved. Nor thence partakes
Fresh pleasure only: for the attentive mind,
By thill harmonious action on her powers,
BllcOmes herself harmonious : wont so oft
In outward things to meditate the charm
Of sacred order, soon she seeks at home
'J'o find a kindred order, to exert
Within herself this elegance of love,
This fair inspired deligllt: her temper'd powers
Refine at length, and every passion wean
A chaster, milder, more attractive mien.
But if to ampler prospects, if to gaz11
On Nature's form, where, negligent of all
These le88er graces, she 888umes the port
Of that eterllAl majesty that weigh'd
The world's foundations ; if to these the mind
Exalts her da.ri.Dg eye; then mightier far
Will Le tile change, and nobler. Would the forms
Of servile cu~>totu cramp her gtlnerous power ;
Would sordid policies, the barbarous growth
Of ignorance nod rapine, bow her down
To tame pursuits, to indolence and fear 1
I.o I she appeals to Nature, to the winds
And rolling waves, the sun's unwearied course,
The elements and seasons : all declare
For what the eternal Maker baa 01-d.ain'd
The powera of man: we feel within ourselves
Hie energy divine,: he tells the heart,
He me:10t, he made 111 to behold and love
What He beholds and loves, the general orb
Of life and being ; to be great like Him,
Beneficant and active. Thus the men
Whom Nature's works Cl.l.ll charm, with God himself
Hold converse: grow famil.ia.r day by day
With his conception&, act upon biB plan,
ADd form to hi.B the reliah of their souls.
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