".Alas I (thought I, and' my heart beat feud~
How fn.et she nears lfol&d De&r8 I
Are those her aaile that gla'rloe in the Silo.,
Like reatleee ~meree f
(^11) .Are those her ribs through which the Sao
Did peer, 111 through a grate f
And is tbl\t woml\n all her crew I
Ia that a Death f and are there two f
la Death that woman's m.te t
"Her lipe were red~ ller looks were free,
Her loeb were yellow aa gold :
Her akin waa aa white aa leprosy,
The Night-mare Life-in-Death wu abe,
Who thiclts man's blood with cold.
"The naked hulk alongside came,
.And the twain were caating dice ;
'The ~me ia done 1 I've won, I've won I '
Quoth abe, and whittlee thrioa.
fl The Son's rim <lips, th e stare ruali out :
.At one stride comes the dark ;
With far-heard whisper, o'er the eea
OJflhot the spectre-bar k.
"We listeu'd and look'd eluewaye up I
Fear at my heart, ae at li. ciip,
My life-blood aeem'd to eip I
The stet'S were dim, and thick the night,
The etecn~man'a fa.ce by his l:unp gleam'd white
From the sAils the dew did drip-
Till clomb above the eutern bar·
The horned Moon, with one bright star
Within the nether tip.
"One af\er one, by the sta~dogg'd Moon,
Too quick for groan or aigb,
Each turn'd his face with a ghaatly pang,
And cun~ed me with his eye.
"Four times fifty living men,
(And I he1ml nor 11igh nor ~n)
Wtth heiiVy thump, a life1ea.1umr.
They dropp'd down one by oue.