A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1



"XXI 1101'1> Yllll all: the Joye oUfotme'a 'II'01'b
11 an ln....,.Uui Ill tile compoond, man,
llll'llat<l 11 tbe crutlon oftbe ltlncl.
All4, lboarb the Almtahtyllbbr boa thraacb~
Dllcrlmloated ... b n-om ueb, b.1 otrokee
.&.ndloaeb"' or l>t. band, wlib oo mac:b art
Dlnl'lllled, that two w•,.. ne•er round
Twlao ot all point,._ yet tbl• obtalne In All,
'l'boi Ill dlecern a bOauty In lilt worlu,
.llld all can tutethom: Ullodo that ban beeQ llmD'd
Alld totor'4 with • n~U.b more euet,
' JIIU Doot '!rithoaloom.. nllsb, DOIM 1l1liDOnCI.

lJatare'a '!'oloe 11 ......c
Wb-b-.rd; berwotb, wllorner-n,
A.ro mlrbl and btaGIJ' to tbe mind and 019;
To tbe IOile bart, lbooKh ocea na roll'*"""'
8bo tpe&U ortblop that bat .rltb IIlli can il ..


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