J()() 1'0100 01' IlU.OllU'l'lON AlfD 'ABcr,
"The eouls did from their bodiea lly,-
They Aed to bliu or woe I
And every eonl, it paee'd me by,
Like the whizz of my crou-bow I"
l'AR'l' .(V.
"I lri\.AJl thee, ancient :Mariner,
I fear thy skinny hand I
And thou art long, and lAnk. and bl'own,
.A.a ia the ribb'd eea-aand.
"I rear thee and thy glittering eye
And thy skinny hancJ, 80 brown.'-
" FeAl' not, fear not. thou Wedding-Gne8~
Thia body dropp'd uot down.
" Alone, alone, all, all alone!
Alone on a wide wid'e sea!
Alld neve'!" a saint took pity on
My soul in agony.
"The many men, 80 beautiful!
And they all dead diJ lie :
.A.Ld a thousand thousand slimy tbinga
Llved on ; and ao did I.
"I look'd upon the rotting eea,
And drew ruy eyes away ;
I look'd upon the rotting deck,
And there the dead men lay.
" I look\! to heaven, and tried to/.ray;
But or eve'!" a prayer had gush' ,
A wicked whiaper came, and made
My he&rt as <lry as dust.
" I cloaed my lids. and kept them close,
And the balls like pulee8 beat;
For the aky and the aea, a.nd the sea and the liky 1
Lay like a load on my weat·y eye,
Aud the dead were at my fo~et.