A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

"The cold sweat melted from their limb.,
Nor rot nor reek did they 1
The look with whieh they look'd on me
Had never'pass'd away.

".An orphan's curse would drag to bell
A spirit from on high ;
But oli I more horrible than that
Ia the curse in a de!Ul m11.n's eye!
Seven days, seven nigbte, I a&w that cures,
And yet I could not die.

"The moving Moou went up the sky,
And nowhere did abide :
Soflly 11he was going up,
And o. star or two beside-

"Her beams bemock'd the sultry main,
Like April boar-frost spread ;
But where the ship's huge abadow lrt.y,
Tbe charm~ water burnt alway,
A still and awful red,

(^11) Beyond the sba.dow of the ahip
I watch'd the water-snakes:
They moved in trncks ofshining white,
And when they l'ear'd 1 the eltlah light
Fell off in hoary flakes.
" Within the-shadow of the ebip
I watch'd their rich attire :
Blue, glo!llly green, and velvet blrt.ck,
They coil'd and swam ; and every track
W a.a a tlaab of golden fire.
" 0 ha]>PY living tbinga! no tougue
Thetr beauty might declare :
.A spring of Jove gueh'd from my heart,
Ann I blesa'd them unawo.re:
Sure my kind a&int took pity on me,
And I ble!lll'd them unaw&re.
'' Tbe self-same moment I could pray;
And from my neck ao free
The Albatrosa fell off, and Bll.nk
Like lead into the sea."

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