A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

  1. POD.S OF llKA.GllU..TIOl4 AlfD J'AlfCT.

"Till noon we quietly a:UI'd on,
Yet never a breeze did breathe :
Slowly and smoothly went the ahip,
Moved onw&Td from bene&th.

(^11) Uuder the ke.el nine fl\thom deep,
From the larad of rui.at and mow,
The epili.t alid :. and it waa he
That made t lbe abip to go.
The sails at no~>n left off their tune,
And the abip• stood still also.
(^11) The Sun, right up above the maat,
Had fix'd he1r to the OOe&n:
But in a minute she 'gan stir,
With & short. uneasy motion-
Backwnrda nnd forwards half her length
With a abort; uneasy motion.
"Then like a pawing horae let go,
She made a Eaudden bound :
It ftung tlte blo-od into my head,
ADd I fell down in a ewound.
"How long in ilhat same fit I lay,
I have not t<t declare;
But ere myliviing life return'd,
] heiU"d, and in my soul diacern'd
Two voices i:o the air.
(^111) Ie it be 1' quoth one,' Ia tbie the man t
By him who died on croBB,
With hie erne! bow he laid full low
The hArmlesu Albati'OB&.
"'The spirit who bideth by himself
In the land o.f miat and an ow,
He loved the bird that loved the man
Who shot hi11n with hie bow.'
"The other wa.s a softer voice,
Aa soft a.e ho•ney-dew·;
Quoth he, 'Tho man hath pena.nce done
And penance more will do."'

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